Book of Mormon geography/Models/Limited/Olive 2001

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Model Name Date Proposed Scope Narrow Neck Land North Land South Cumorah River Sidon Nephi's Landing Religion Type of model

Model name: Olive 2001

Date proposed: 2001
Scope: LGT
Narrow neck:  [needs work]
Land north:  [needs work]
Land south:  [needs work]
Cumorah:  [needs work]
Sidon:  [needs work]
Landing:  [needs work]
Religion: LDS
Type:  [needs work]

  • Phyllis Carol Olive, The Lost Tribes of the Book of Mormon—the Rest of the Story: A Correlation between the Nephite Nation and the Mound Builders of the Eastern United States (Springville, UT: Bonneville Books, 2001). ISBN 1555175759.