2024 Virtual Conference
Mark your calendars now for our Understanding & Defending Church History virtual conference, October 11th and 12th. Watch for more details coming soon!
FAIR has sponsored an annual conference each year since 1998. Thousands of people have come to our conference to listen to scholars and professionals discuss matters of interest related to the defense of the faith. Each participant comes with a unique perspective on history, science, archaeology, philosophy, or theology; and all come with a desire to help defend the gospel and share evidences of its truth.
FAIR conferences are designed to provide depth, context, confidence, and reasoned answers to questions about and attacks against the Church. We’re not naive about the vitriol many use to attack the Church, but we sincerely strive to respond with calm and kindness. Conferences are a chance for people of good will to listen, discuss, reason together, and receive answers to challenging questions.
FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
We are a volunteer organization. We invite you to give back.
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