Question: Should Latter-day Saints eat fruit seasonally?

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Question: Should Latter-day Saints eat fruit seasonally?

Introduction to Question

The Word of Wisdom, contained in Doctrine and Covenants 89, tells us that “all wholesome herbs God hath ordained for the constitution, nature, and use of man—Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.” So not only are fruits and vegetables in their season good for you, but your entire constitution and nature as a human being, the way your body is put together, demands that you eat fruit and vegetables seasonally in order to reap the most health benefit from it.

The 1828 Webster’s Dictionary notes of the meaning of ‘herb’ that it “comprehends all the grasses, and numerous plants used for culinary purposes.”

There are many benefits to eating produce seasonally. Julie M. Goolsby and Megan Fahey note that it’s healthier for you, the produce tastes better, it’s better for the environment, and it’s cheaper.[1]

One might ask when the season is for all these fruits and vegetables? Below we provide a resource for the peak seasons for all fruits and vegetables.

Response to Question

Seasonal Food Guide

The best resource for anyone, and especially for those living in the United States, is This allows you to pick a state and a month and it will tell you exactly what is in season in that state during that time of year.

Other resources more local to you may need to be found online or in local libraries.


  1. Julie M. Goolsby, “4 Reasons to Eat By the Seasons,” MBG Food, last updated October 15, 2019,