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Volume V. No. 19.] | CITY OF NAUVOO. ILL. Oct. 15, 1844 | [Whole No. 103. |
The following is extracted from the Evening and Morning Star, of September 1832.
The art of writing is one of the greatest blessings we enjoy. To cultivate it is our duty, and to use it is our privilege. By these means the thoughts of the heart can act without the body, and the mind can speak without the head, while thousands of miles apart, and for ages after the flesh has mouldered back to its mother dust. Beloved reader, have you ever reflected on this simple, this useful, this heavenly blessing? It is one of the best gifts of God to man, and it is the privilege of man to enjoy it. By writing, the word of the Lord has been handed to the inhabitants of the earth, from generation to generation. By writing, the inventions and knowledge of men have been received, age after age, for the benefit of the world. By writing, the transactions of life, like the skies over the ocean, are spread out upon the current of time, for the eyes of the rising multitudes to look upon. And while we are thus summing up some of the blessings and enjoyments which result from this noble art, let us not forget to view a few of the curses and mischiefs which follow an abuse of this high privilege. While we behold what a great matter a little fire kindles, let us not stand mute. Let us not forget to set a better example, when we see the slanderer dip his raven's quill in gall, to blot the fair fame of some innocent person. Let us weep, for so will the heavens do, when the great men of the earth write their glory in the tears of the fatherless and the widow. Let us mourn while this world's vanity is written for deception, in letters of gold. But enough, for the wicked are writing their own death warrant, and the hail of the Lord shall sweep away the refuge of lies. We, as the disciples of the blessed Jesus, are bound by every consideration that makes religion a blessing to the inhabitants of the earth, while we see this exalted privilege abused, to set a more noble example: To do our business in a more sacred way, and, as servants of the Lord, that would be approved in all things, hide no fault of our own, nor cover any imperfection in others; neither offend, lest we bring a reproach upon the great cause of our holy Father.
It is pleasing to God to see men use the blessings which he gave them, and not abuse them. For this reason, if the saints abide in the faith wherewith they have been called, the earth shall yield her increase, and the blessings of heaven shall attend them, and the Lord will turn to them a pure language, and the glory of God will again be among the righteous on earth. All things are for men, not men for all things. Beloved brethren, before we can teach the world how to do right, we must be able to do so ourselves: Therefore, in the love of him who is altogether lovely, whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light, who spake as never man spake, let us offer a few ideas on this subject, for the consideration of such as mean to love their neighbors as themselves, for the sake of righteousness and eternal life.
1 Never write a letter to a friend or foe, unless you have business which cannot be done as well in some other way; or, unless you have news to communicate, that is worth time and money. In this way you will increase confidence and save postage.
2 Never write any thing to friend or foe, that you are afraid to read to friend or foe, for letters from a distance, especially one or two thousands miles, are sought for with great anxiety; and, as no one is a judge of men and things, you are liable to misrepresent yourself, your country, your friends and your enemies, and put in the mouth of the honest, as well as the dishonest, a lie, which truth, in her gradual but virtuous way, may not contradict till your head is under the silent clods of the valley.
3 Never write any thing but truth, for truth is heavenly, and like the sun, is always bright, and proves itself without logic, without reasons, without witnesses, and never fails. Truth is of the Lord and will prevail.
4 Never reprove a friend or foe for faults in a letter, except by revelation; for in the first place, your private intentions, be they ever so good, are liable to become public, because, all letters may be broken open, and your opinion only on one side of the question, can be scattered to the four winds; and he to whom you meant good, receives evil; and you are not benefitted [benefited]. Again, we can hardly find language, written or spoken on earth, at this time, that will convey the true meaning of the heart to the understanding of another; and you are liable to be misunderstood, and to give unpleasant feelings: and you merely, to use a
simile, bleed an old sore, by probing it for proud flesh, when it only wanted a little oil from the hand of the good Samaritan, in person, to heal it. No matter how pure your intentions may be; no matter how high your standing is, you cannot touch man's heart when absent as when present. Truly, you do not cast your pearls before swine, but you throw your gold before man, and he robs you for your folly. Instead of reproof give good advice; and when face to face, rebuke a wise man and he will love you; or do so to your friend, that, should he become your enemy, he cannot reproach you: thus you may live, not only unspotted, but unsuspected.
5 Never write what you would be ashamed to have printed; or what might offend the chastest ear, or hurt the softest heart. If you write what you are ashamed to have printed, you are partial: If you write what would offend virtue, you have not the Spirit of the Lord; and if you write what would wound the weak hearted, you are not feeding the Lord's lambs, and thus you may know that you are not doing to others what you would expect others to do to you. The only rule we would give to regulate writing letters is this: Write what you are willing should be published in this world, and in the world to come: And would to God, that not only the disciples of Christ, but the whole world, were willing to follow this rule: Then the commandments would be kept and no one would write a word against the Lord his God. No one would write a word against his neighbor. No one would write a word against the creatures of God. No one would need write a word against any thing but sin; and then the world would be worth living in, for there would be none to offend.
I continued the translation and ministering to the church through the fall, excepting a rapid journey to Albany, New York and Boston, in company with Bishop Whitney, from which I returned on the 6th of November, immediately after the birth of my son Joseph Smith, 3d. In answer to letters received from the brethren in Missouri, I wrote as follows:
KIRTLAND, Nov. 27th, 1832.
Brother William W. Phelps:-I say brother because I feel so from the heart, and although it is not long since I wrote a letter unto you, yet I feel as though you would excuse me for writing this as I have many things which I wish to communicate. Some things which I will mention in this letter, which are laying with great weight on my mind; I am well and my family also; God grant that you may enjoy the same, and yours, and all the brethren and sisters who remember to enquire [inquire] after the commandments of the Lord, and the welfare of Zion and such a being as me; and while I dictate this letter I fancy to myself that you are saying or thinking something similar to these words: 'My God, great and mighty art thou, therefore show unto thy servant what shall become of all those who are essaying to come up unto Zion, in order to keep the commandments of God, and yet receive not their inheritance by consecrations, by order or deed from the bishop, the man that God has appointed in a legal way, agreeably to the law given to organize and regulate the church, and all the affairs of the same.'
Brother William, in the love of God, having the most implicit confidence in you as a man of God, having obtained this confidence by a vision of heaven, therefore I will proceed to unfold to you some of the feelings of my heart, and to answer the question. Firstly, it is the duty of the Lord's clerk whom he has appointed to keep a history and a general church record of all things that transpire in Zion, and of all those who consecrate properties and receive inheritances legally from the bishop, and also their manner of life, their faith and works; and also of all the apostates who apostatize after receiving their inheritances.
Secondly, it is contrary to the will and commandment of God, that those who receive not their inheritance by consecration, agreeably to his law, which he has given, that he may tithe his people, to prepare them against the day of vengeance and burning, should have their names enrolled with the people of God; neither is their genealogy to be kept, or to be had where it may be found on any of the records or history of the church; their names shall not be found, neither the names of the fathers, the names of the children written in the book of the law of God, saith the Lord of Hosts, yea, thus saith the still small voice, which whispereth through and pierceth all things, and often times it maketh my bones to quake while it maketh manifest, saying: 'and it shall come to pass that I the Lord God will send one mighty and strong, holding the sceptre [scepter] of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God, and to arrange by lot the inheaitances [inheritances] of the saints, whose names are found, and the names of their fathers, and of their children, enrolled in the book of the law of God: while that man, who was called of God and appointed, that putteth forth his hand to steady the ark of God, shall fall by the shaft of death,
like as a tree that is smitten by the vivid shaft of lightening; and all they who are not found written in the book of remembrance, shall find none inheritance in that day, but they shall be cut asunder and their portion shall be appointed them among unbelievers, where is wailing and gnashing of teeth. These things I say not of myself, therefore, as the Lord speaketh, he will also fulfill.
And they who are of the high priesthood, whose names are not found written in the book of the law, or that are found to have apostatized, or to have been cut off out of the church; as well as the lesser priesthood, or the members, in that day shall not find an inheritance among the saints of the most High; therefore it shall be done unto them as unto the children of the priest, as you will find recorded in the second chapter and sixty first and second verses of Ezra.
Now, brother William, if what I have said is true, how careful had men ought to be what they do in these last days, lest they are cut short of their expectations, and they that think they stand should fall, because they keep not the Lord's commandments; while you, who do the will of the Lord and keep his commandments, have need to rejoice with unspeakable joy, for such shall be exalted very high, and shall be lifted up in triumph above all the kingdoms of this world; but I must drop this subject at the beginning.
Oh Lord, when will the time come; when brother William, thy servant, and myself, shall behold the day that we may stand together and gaze upon eternal wisdom engraven upon the heavens, while the majesty of our God holdeth up the dark curtain, until we may read the round of eternity, to the fulness [fullness] and satisfaction of our immortal souls? Oh Lord God; deliver us in thine own due time from the little narrow prison, almost as it were, total darkness of paper, pen and ink;-and a crooked, broken, scattered and imperfect language.
I have obtained ten subscribers for the Star, &c.; love for all the brethren.
Yours in bonds; Amen.
DEAR BROTHER:-I feel like breathing out a little of the feelings of my soul in relation to the happy session and termination of our October conference, which has equalled [equaled], if not surpassed, in point of harmony and good order, any conference I have ever witnessed.
It has been remarked by some that we would be broken up, scattered, thrown into confusion and disorder, in consequence of having lost our Prophet and Patriarch, Joseph and Hyrum Smith; but I think that those who were present at our late conference found that it was not so. When, I would ask, was there ever a greater unanimity of feeling, better order, a greater disposition among the saints to do the will of God than on this occasion? I say never! And then when we reflect that there were near one hundred ordained to the high priesthood, and over five hundred ordained into the quorums of the seventies, we might ask, when was there ever so glorious a prospect for the spread of truth and intelligence as at the present time? [I?] would again reply, never!! Although I am well aware that our strength does not altogether depend upon the multitude of men or means without authority, or with it, but in the power of omnipotence, yet who can help but believe that those eleven quorums of seventies which were organized during this conference will make a mighty stir in satan's kingdom and sectarian babylon, for their hearts seem to be united and full of those principles of salvation and virtue which flow from the proper source.
I was pleased to hear President Young and others of the Twelve, exhort the saints to patronize their friends and let the speculating merchants alone; for we have had experience enough to teach us that they only come here to pick up our money, and when they can't get money enough, to suck our blood. Where is the merchant, the lawyer or the doctor, who has used his means and his efforts to build up this people or this city. I say there has none come here yet, and why should we patronize them. Do they not almost invariably trample on our ordinances and try to corrupt our citizens by secretly and unlawfully introducing and vending whiskey and other intoxicating drinks, and by practising [practicing] in our midst those things which we despise and deprecate, such as adultery, whordoms, gambling, swearing and every other evil work? I say they do; and when our city officers take the necessary measures to put a stop to these things, they set up a most hedious [hideous] howling, and with all other characters of like cloth, cry oppression delusion, fanaticism, &c. &c., and are among the foremost to join with a mob to overthrow us; and I have long been convinced that we had no cause to thank them, that we were not mobbed long ago. I say too, let them alone. Do not go near them. Pay no regard to them only when they trample upon our rights, and
then we will only defend ourselves. Why do they not go away to a more congenial clime and leave us to ourselves, if they do not love our ways and our religion. We do not ask them to tarry with us, for we are far better without them. It is true that our city is open for all who wish to come, but we wish to have the privilege of enjoying our religion and 'peculiarities' unmolested, for we molest no one. Yes, brethren, let us let them alone and patronize our friends or rather patronise [patronize] ourselves and save ourselves from the oppression and speculations of such men.
The Savior says: 'they that are not for us are against us.' So say I, and who cant [can't] see that all these merchants, lawyers and doctors are not for us. Their interests are not identified with ours, neither do they care for our welfare and prosperity. Then why should we patronise [patronize] them? why should we employ them? why should we support them? I say we are under no obligations to do it, neither does charity require it. Then we will let them alone, and not go near them, for I feel as though this people have suffered long enough from such sources, and I think they will be more wise henceforth,
I have digressed because I feel the force of the words, let them alone; however I will return to my reveries.
Now let me ask, who cant [can't] see that the mantle of the prophet, (using a figure) has fallen on President Young and the Twelve? Who cant [can't] see that the same spirit which inspired our beloved brother Joseph Smith, now inspires President Young? I am sure that instead of our being left without revelation, we have them more abundant, or else we understand the principles ourselves better. Whilst listening to the many remarks which were made during conference. I could not help but rejoice to see the intelligence and wisdom which flowed from our beloved president and his brethren of the Twelve; and I am satisfied that the saints who were present, all felt that God was with us, and that God is with the Twelve. But we need not wonder that the atmosphere feels more pure and more wholesome, for much of the unfruitful and corrupt matter is purged out, and consequently we may expect to be more healthy.
I admire the remarks made on the subject of our temporal policy, and especially that part relative to raising sheep. This would certainly be profitable and would afford labor for many and save much of our money at home.
The saints have many things before them to encourage and comfort them, but the best of all is, 'God is with us.' The Temple is rising even faster than could have been anticipated, and has a very imposing appearance. There are already ten of the capitals on the walls, and there will be more in a few days. These capitals are truly splended [splendid], and indicative of that genius and intelligence which cometh from above. The 'order' of the Temple is purely original, not being fashioned after any other order in existence; but I must confess it looks heavenly, with the moon at the foot, the sun at the head, and upon that will be the stars. I think this order is more properly entitled to the character of Celestial order than any other we have ever read of.
I have read the ideas of a certain gentleman in a down river paper, who visited Nauvoo a while ago. He says; 'the Temple has very much the appearance of being built in moon shine.' This I supposed he inferred because the base of the pilaster represents a half moon, but I think if he will 'call again' he will think that the light resembles that of the sun at noon day.
I will now close this sheet. I am well satisfied that we as a people have nothing to fear. We are in the hands of God and he will take care of us. We will thank him for past mercies, and trust him for the future, for he is our God and we are his people, and we will serve him.
As ever, yours in the bonds of truth. C.
Nauvoo, Oct. 13, 1843.
We wish to offer a word of information to those who donate money and property for the building of the temple of God in Nauvoo; inasmuch as a wrong impression has prevailed relative to the order of giving credit for subscriptions.
All tithings, consecrations, donations, and sacrifices presented for the building of the temple are recorded in a book kept for that purpose in the form of a history, wherein is recorded the names of the donors, the kind of property donated, and the price of the same, or if in money, the amount, all under the respective dates when the same is deposited in the hands of the Trustee in Trust. Except in cases where authorized agents have collected funds and given receipts to those who donated.-Wherever receipts are given for property, we do not enter it in the general record until those receipts are presented at the recorders office. Consequently we are under the necessity of making a separate list of all properties received where receipts have been given, and keeping
that list until the receipts are presented for record.
Now inasmuch as the "books will be opened" as evidence of our faithfulness in the day of the Lord and not "the receipts," we would advise all to bring their receipts as early as possible and have them duly recorded, that their names may be found amongst the number of the faithful in that book which will bear testimony as to our faithfulness in attending to the law of tithing and consecration.
Some have supposed that we entered all tithings on the record whether receipts were given or not, but this is a mistake, because that would virtually be giving credit twice over for the same property. Bring on your receipts brethren and sisters, and if you cannot bring them, send by some one whom you can trust, that all your consecrations may be recorded in proper order, for it is necessary that there should be order in this business as well as all others, inasmuch as the house of God is a house of order and not of confusion.
The temple is progressing finely and the brethren and sisters (for they are not the last in regard to diligence and perseverance to build the temple) use all due diligence to roll on the work. The blessing of God is with our efforts and after having suffered a little more tribulation and toil, we shall behold the "top stone" carried up and put in its place with joy and gladness, and then we will receive those blessings and endowments which are held in reserve to be put upon the faithful, when the house of God is completed.
Let us increase our efforts and live up to the law of tithing and consecration and at the same time not forget to keep all the commandments of God, lest it be said to us, "these ought ye to have done and not have left the other undone."
In haste I have the honor to be your faithful and devoted servant, and brother in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Nauvoo, Oct. 13, 1844. Temple Recorder.
From the New York Express.
There is at this time a singular and exciting movement among the Jews of Europe in relation to their restoration. Great divisions have taken place in Frankford [Frankfort] and other cities, among congregations, on the subject of reforms, repudiating great portions of the laws of the Rabbinists and Talmudists, and conforming in a measure to the spirit of the times and march of improvement; and the same time, the severe oppressions of Russia towards this ancient people, carried out through the influence of that power in several of the German principalities, seem to precede some important advent, which at this moment keeps them in great excitement. Those who have means, and instigated by pious zeal, believe the period at hand when they are to return to Zion, are wending their way down the Danube and Dniester, towards Jerusalem and the arrivals at the Holy City are so numerous that accomodations [accommodations] are difficult to be obtained, and a large caravansera, we understand, is in the progress of erection, to accomodate [accommodate] several hundred.-Many are residing at Beyroot [Beirut], Jaffa, Hibren [Hebron?]; and the surrounding villages; the Jewish population of Jerusalem, not generally exceeding 5000, it is supposed has increased to 40,000, at the present time. The persecutions of Russia have induced the Divan to extend every protection and facility to the Jews, who number 100,000 at Constantinople, and the Sultan, by this stroke of policy, has drawn round him many of the powerful bankers of that nation. A sanhedrim [sanhedrin] of the learned men of the nation, it is said, will be held at Jerusalem, to discuss all the proposed reforms in the religion which do not reach any of the cardinal principals, but the mere ceremonials of that faith. The Jews have another great friend in Ibraham Pacha, the new Viceroy of Egypt, who was their great protector while in command of Syria. Great results in the fulfilment [fulfillment] of the prophecies, are shadowed forth in these movements, in the mean time the European Jews are becoming hard students, and striking out boldly in the paths of science, cultivating literature and the arts, and preparing themselves in many respects, to acquire a claim on the good feelings and protecting influence of the Christian powers. The Jewish periodical press is constantly receiving additions to its number, among which we notice, "The Chronica Israelita," at Gibraltar, "The first fruits of the West," at Jamaica, "The Sydney Voice of Jacob," at Australia, and upwards of twenty periodicals devoted to the literature and religion of the Jews. They are also cultivating the arts to a considerable extent. In the "Exposition de L'Industrie," at Paris, we find a long list of Jewish artisans, including several successfully productions, for which they have received medals. Among them we notice annimometers [anemometers], hydrometers, and horological tools, locks, oil cloths, bronzed quill pens, fine cloths, carpets, and hangings, fire arms, morocco leathers, cashmeres, goldsmith's work, seraphines, printing ink, sealing wax, &c., &c.
At Frankfort, accepting bills of exchange on the Sabbath was always dispensed with, but the
Senate have under consideration a new code of regulations, very oppressive, one of which is to compel them to accept bills on that day. The Rothschilds are moving strongly against all these severe enactments, and have come forward boldly and liberally in behalf of their brethren. The Baroness J. De Rothschild, at Paris, has introduced the subject of the Russian ukase in her salons, and a lively interest was manifested by Mons. Guizot and the British Minister, who were guests, and assurances were given of an early interference in favor of the repeal. It is a singular fact, and may be deemed a sign of the times, that Spain, a Catholic country, has actually declared war against Morocco for putting to death the Spanish consul, M. Darmen, who was a Jew, and claimed to be a subject of Morocco. The Spanish government have appropriated 50,000 francs to establish two schools for Jewish children, and it has been determined at Frankfort to admit all the Christian servants of Jewish families into the hospitals, and as regular recipients of Jewish charities; and Mr. Trelawny, M. P., has given notice of a motion in the House of Commons for the removal of Jewish disabilities.-Not among the least interesting of all these signs, is the attempt to revive the agricultural pursuits of the Jews in Palestine, and several important reports have been made on the fertility of the soil at Acre, Zafed, and the villages surrounding Jerusalem, and a supply of oxen and agricultural tools have been obtained.
In all this we see a better and more happy destiny reserved for the Jewish people, through a proper estimate of the principles and duties of Christianity. In this country they are greatly on the increase, and it is supposed that the Bremen, Hamburgh [Hamburg], and English vessels will bring out twenty thousand emigrants during the current year. On the subject of the restoration of the Jews, we are to have a stirring speech from M. M. NOAH, Esq., next month, at the tabernacle. No one has studied the subject with greater attention than he has done, and we look for an interesting discourse from him. He is strongly of opinion that the movement is to be made from this the only country in which the Jews have all their rights, and relies much on the 18th of Isaiah, in reference to the United States, in connection with the restoration.
From The Reveille.
Pawnees-Ottoes-Pottawattomies-Indian love and eloquence-Military display by an Ottoe Brave, &c-Beggar Dance-"Sky Blue"-Major Wharton-Mr. Deas, the Artist.
Sept. 10, 1844.}
A few days since, the Superintendent of Indian Affairs reached this place, on the steamer Nimrod, with the annuities in money and goods for the various Indian tribes in this region. These annuities are payable for lands which the Indians have, at different times, sold to the government. The Ottoes on the south side of the river, own a large tract of country on the waters of the Big Platte, stretching from the Missouri river, west. They receive from the government a small cash annuity of about $2,500, and are, in every respect, a poor and degraded people. Their number is about 1,000. The Pawnees are west of this place, about one hundred and twenty miles, on the waters of the Platte, and receive annuities of provisions and goods; they have, also, farmers and smiths provided by the government; but I do not think their farmers do them much good. There are some missionaries among them, whose conduct is, in some respects, said to be rather improper. The Pawnees are yet wild and primitive in their habits-raise small patches of corn, and hunt the buffalo. They number, in all, about 6,500, and are seperated [separated] into different bands, called, Pawnee Loups, Grand Pawnees, Republican Pawnees, Pawnee Pics, &c. It has been an object of the government to unite the different bands, but success has not attended the effort. During the late visit of the military, the chiefs exhibited a decided aversion to the arrangement.
The Pottawatomies or, as they are called, officially the "United Bands of Chippewas, Ottawas and Pottawotomies [Pottawatomies]"-are on the north side of the Missouri; their lands, embracing five millions of acres, extend from the north line of your State, along the Missouri river, to the Little Sioux, and are of excellent quality as regards soil, though exhibiting a scarcity of timber. These Indians number about 2,000 souls, and receive about $42,000 a year for lands sold in Michigan and Illinois; they have, also, funds for education and industrial purposes. They are a well-disposed people, and are considered to be very respectable Indians.-Many of the half breeds have houses and small farms like the whites, and are anxious to have their children educated. Their annuity payments are gay scenes, when the Indian beaux and belles appear in all their finery, and display their charms to the greatest advantage.
The young fellows in love, have a kind of flute, on which they sound certain amorous notes, to convey to the copper-colored beauties
information of their particular disposition and condition. When one of these pipes up, you can see the languishing glances of the virgins turned most irresistibly towards the quarter whence the sounds proceed; and if a match is not soon on the carpet, it is not the fault of the Pottawotomie customs.
During the late payment, the superintendent held several councils with the Chiefs in which some very creditable displays of Indian oratory were made. Owing to the paucity of their language, their style of speaking is highly figurative, and as no Indian speaks on any subject but one which interests him strongly, and on which he has thought a great deal, it is not strange that they should speak with force and to the purpose.
On Friday last, Major Wharton, with five companies of Dragoons, reached Bellevue, on the south side of the Missouri, from the Pawnee villages, whither they had marched from Fort Leavenworth. I believe the object of the expedition was to display a little of the power of the Government to the wild Indians. The Major's instructions were also to see the Sioux if practicable; but this object cannot be accomplished without a march of hundreds of miles, and scarcely then, as the Sioux are perfect Tartars, and are Tartars who are not easily "caught."
On Saturday, the Ottoes having come to their agency at Bellevue to receive their annuities, the Major held a Council with them, on the open prairie, in the midst of the square of several acres, formed by the tents of his command.-The Chiefs seated themselves in line, fronting to the Major's "Marque," (is that the way you spell it? [Marquee]) and awaited his coming. As he approached, we heard the song of the well known Indian beggar dance chanted in a ravine to our right, and soon a party of young men were seen advancing, with two or three dare-devil looking fellows on horseback, one of whom had his body, from crown to toe, smeared over with blue mud, and appeared in the "picturesque costume" of a piece of rope tied round him as a belt; beside this, he had not even a fig leaf apron. He performed various feats of horsemanship, carrying in his right hand a handsomely ornamented spear, with a long, polished blade. His performance was intended to signify that he felt himself to be a man, ready for any daring exploit; and hereafter he will have quite a reputation as the brave who made so striking an exhibition before their great father's War Chief, Major Wharton.-Oh, fame! This reminds me of the story of an Indian dance, where each one, after dancing and singing till the inspiration of recitation was attained, struck a stake set up for that purpose, and then related his exploits to the admiring hearers. One fellow, after shaking his moccasins most furiously for a long time, at length struck the stake, and, after silence was obtained, made the following brilliant narration: "I stole a mule!"
When the young Ottoes had sufficiently displayed their musical powers, the Council began, by Major Wharton making a very excellent address to the chiefs, which, however, must have suffered considerably in the interpretation. He exhorted them to behave themselves better, for the future, and assured them that if they did not, the protection of the Government would be withdrawn, and they would be left 'like a lone tree in the prairie, against which every storm spends its fury, until, at length, some blast, more powerful than the rest, prostrates it to the earth.' They promised good behavior for the future, and the Major gave them some rations. So ended the Council.
The troops are crossing the Missouri to day, to pass down on the north side, through the settlements, to Jeffrey's Point, near the town of Oregon, where they will re-cross the river, to visit the Missouri Sacs and Iuwas [Iowas]; they will thence pass en [on] to Fort Leavenworth. These dragoon officers are fine fellows; frank, generous, unassuming-vigorous in discharge of duty, and rich in anecdote and jest, as well as grave and important information. The Rev. Mr. Ker, stationed at Fort Leavenworth, is with the command, and will publish a journal of their hair-breadth escapes amongst the ravines on the head waters of the Blue and other streams, enriched by notices of the geology, &c., of the country they have traversed. Mr. Deas, an artist of St. Louis, is also an attache [attaché], and so much of an attache [attaché], that, with all my persuasion and entreaty, (you know how I can insist?) I cannot detach him to spend a few weeks with me here; if I could, we would visit the old Fort at old Council Bluffs, about twenty five miles, by land, from this place.
I suppose Major Wharton will council with the Pottawatomies to morrow. He has instructions to hold a talk with each tribe he visits.
The Pawnees are at Bellevue, to day. Their agent called them to council, and talked to them in a most fatherly manner. After some time, the disputes amongst the chiefs of the various bands rose to high words, and finally turned to a fisticuff amongst them. No blood was spilt. The Council adjourned in the midst of the row.
OCTOBER 15, 1844.
Labor is the manufacturer of wealth. It was ordained of God, as the medium to be used by man to obtain his living: hence it is the universal condition of this great bond to live. But says one, I do not like the condition, because two thirds of mankind live without work; or in other words, one third of the world carries the balance on their backs. Well, admit the position, does that destroy the principle that labor is the only way appointed of God to obtain an honest living? No! it only goes to show that some men, through craft, cunning, deception, and corruption, are lording it over God's heritage. To use the language of a writer on the subject:-
"And who can wonder that it is so when such incentives are held out to idleness? Labor is degraded. In one half of our Union it is a disgrace for a white man to work. To get an honest living he must place himself on a par with the despised slave. And the same influence is crushing down the working man here and every where. He is not considered so respectable as the Vampyre [Vampire] who sponges his living from the fruits of unrequited toil. The embrowned face and hard hands of labor do not enter the parlors of the idle rich, unless in the capacity of serfs.
Labor is also shunned, because it is falsely organized, if indeed it be organized at all. It is made monotonous. People work forever at one thing-making the head of a pin perhaps. No change, no variety. Labor is also unsocial [unsociable]. A life-time is spent in solitary toil or in the company of those for whom we have no fellow feeling. The law of the group is not respected. A majority of laborers are hired. They feel no interest in their work. It is half their object to kill time and save their strength.-The industrious minority likewise toil three times as long as nature will bear. They are dying of overwork. The business of life is not adapted to the taste or capacity of the operator. Half the world never finds out what they are best able to do. Circumstances determine the occupation. In Lowell girls choose to stand fourteen hours in a factory, because they can find nothing else to do. In Boston they may stitch, stitch, stitch eternally, upon slop-work in a garret, or like a nun withdrawn from society to enjoy the solitude of an under-ground kitchen. The most brilliant minds, the richest affections, nature's nobles, poets, and artists, are buried alive. Fulton is measuring off tape in your shops. Reuben is grinding clay in your brickyards. Michael Angelo is the scavenger of your streets, while Dogberry is your dispenser of justice, and Sancho Panza your chief magistrate. The world is out of joint. There is no adaptation of industry to genius. No wonder that labor is repugnant, and that all avoid it who can."
So far so good, or so evil, as you please to feel on the subject: but this is not all: God never meant to bemean his creation, especially his own image because they had to labor:-no; never; God himself according to the good old book labored on this world, six days; and when Adam was animated from clay to life, by his spirit's making use of him for a dwelling, we read that God put him into the garden to dress it:-Therefore, in connection with the samples of all holy men, we are bound to honor the laboring man: and despise the idler.
The old proverb, that "he that will not work, shall not eat," is a just one; and although the "rich," who "govern the world too much," are esteemed as the front rank of the world, in point of fashion, fame, honor, honesty and talent, yet, the day is coming and now is, when they must be weighed in the balance and found wanting. Soloman, the wise man said:-
'There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, and it is common among men: A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honor, so that he wanteth nothing for his soul of all that he desireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease."
The great fault is, "riches" curse the man who has them, unless he makes them a blessing to others. No matter how much a man enjoys life, if he makes others as happy in proportion as he is.
The rich, the learned, the wise and the noble, in the true parlance of the world now, have laid heavy burthens [burdens] upon the shoulders of the poor; and truly one third of the world of mankind, has to carry the rest upon their backs and be spurred and whipped at that. But there is a great change at hand for the saints: let them labor like men, prepare for that august hour; when Babylon and all her worldly wisdom; her various delicacies; and delusive fashions, shall fall with her to rise and trouble the earth no more! What a glorious prospect, to think that drunken Babylon, the great city of sin, will soon cease, and the kingdom of God rise in holy splendor, upon her ashes, and the people serve God in a perpetual union! The
merchants and great men of the earth must prepare to mourn: Alas, alas! that great city!
O saints, saints! inasmuch as the almighty has displayed, and will display his "handy work" for the glory and benefit of his saints, his covenant people, will you not arise, and shake your garments, cleansing them from the dust, and spots of corruption, idleness and folly, and show your faith by your works. God will soon make a man more precious than fine gold. Do you know it? Let the world traffic, we must make men better by wisdom, virtue, and industry.
By a letter from Elder B. Brown and J. W. Crosby, we learn than Mormonism has began to blossom and bear fruit in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia. Before they left Jefferson county, New York, they added about 150 to the church by baptism; and went via. Montreal and Quebec to this place, where they have baptized fourteen, and the cry around them is, 'come over from Macedonia and help us.' We shall try to give some or all of the letter in our next.
From the New York Prophet.
Met pursuant to notice at the corner of Canal and Hudson streets, September 4th, 1844, at 10 o'clock, A, M. Elder William Smith, was called to the chair, and Elder David Rogers, chosen secretary.
The meeting was opened by singing, and prayer by Elder William Smith.
After which President Smith arose and stated that he had not expected to be present and therefore did not know what business they had before them, there are some things, he thought would be beneficial to their branch of the church; he spoke with great effect and at length on the fulness [fullness] of the gospel and the wonderful effects on those who embraced it, and the great benefits to be derived therefrom, that it was, a matter of astonishment to him how they could refrain from putting forth all their energies in this mighty work of the last days, when we all know the work must be accomplished-when the calls are so great from every quarter and the people are so anxious to hear-our labors would be abundantly blessed by every one trying to roll the cause forward-for this must truly be a great and glorious work, when all the Hosts of Heaven are engaged in carrying out these great principles of salvation-you must have an eye single to the glory of God and be united and have no more bickerings about things that do not concern you, and cease finding fault, with those, whom you ought to uphold as the authorities of the church of God. Brethren, it is decidedly wrong in any of you speaking evil of those, who are laboring for you and doing all the good they can for you. We have suffered time and again from such means and it is by such means, our brethren have sealed their testimony with their blood, and by such means you will cause our blood to be shed if you persist in it; it is by false brethren, that all of our worst troubles have come upon us-God has called us and not man, and it grieves us to hear you say, that you will support the authorities of this church in righteousness-it is in reality an insult. I can say that I have done nothing contrary to the spirit of Christ since I have been among you-it is not your place to dictate to us, but some of you would wish to do it, (from your actions I judge,) as much as to say that we could point out a wiser course if you would listen to us-such a spirt [spirit] should be put down, for God has chosen us (the Twelve) as special witnesses, and what could you do, should they be taken from you?-you would be without a head-like the snake who got tired of following its head and thought it would make its tail perform the office of a head-but it soon got into difficulty in consequence of not having a head to lead-the tail got into a crevice of a rock and could not extricate itself without calling upon the head, which would soon be the case with the troubled and fault finding members should they undertake to get along without a head-how shameful it is that individuals should offend and persecute those who have labored and borne the head and burden of the day, by telling lies which are calculated to injure them. They forget the Mormons creed "mind your own business."
A committee was appointed to wait upon Brother Hewett and inform him that charges would be preferred against him in the afternoon, and invite him to be present to answer them; whereupon, Elders Miles and Braidwood were appointed said committee.
After which, Elder G. J. Adams made some very judicious remarks in his usual bold, pointed, and forcible manner.
Adjourned till three o'clock, P. M.
3 o'clock, P. M., met according to adjournment, and the committee was called upon to lay the case of Brother Hewett before the conference. Brother Hewett said many things injurious to those he had slandered, and as he did not appear on notice being given, it was
unanimously resolved that Brother Hewett be excommunicated.
Elder Brannan spoke at length in favor of sustaining the Twelve. Brother Adams said he had been slandered for the same, and made some very pertinent remarks; after which, adjourned until 7 1-2 o'clock, P. M.
Met at half past seven o'clock in the evening. Elder Smith arose and said there was many things which grieved him,-he said it appeared that he was unfortunate in most things since he had been in the city-thought it strange that elders should give credence to such stories-had last winter proved them false by the very individuals who originated the stories against him before the church in conference; he had told openly all the mysteries to-day that he had ever made known to any of them-not one could say aught [ought] against him in this city. he therefore had nothing to repent of Brother Braidwood bore testimony to the christian-like conduct of President Smith at the very places where the stories originated; Brother Adams said it was hard enough for a man in the prime of life to suffer, while he might be engaged at a large salary without being slandered-Adjourned until 10 o'clock, A. M. next day.
Met again, according to adjournment, at 10 1-2 o'clock, A. M., and after singing and prayer, Brother Smith gave a very able discourse on Jer. xvi. he spoke of the many elders who made no effort to get out into the world to publish the fulness [fullness] of the gospel, where they might exercise their talents in the work of God. and be the means of doing much good,-that they could not expect to be blessed with those who had waded through troubles and difficulties to publish to the world the gospel. He dwelt at some length on the hunters and fishers of men that the text spoke of being in the last days-that the young elders should be among them. If the ancients had not gone forward, the scriptures could not have been fulfiled [fulfilled]; we have all got to bear our part in the work, if we expect to be blessed and inherit the glories of the faithful; suppose Peter, John, Paul, and the rest should have made the same excuse that many of you do now, do you think it would have been well for them? I answer no, it would not, they went forward and proved themselves men of God.-He (Elder Smith,) had gone forward when a mere boy, with no advantage of education from house to house, traveling from place to place, and had been obliged to ask for something to eat; hungry and faint, travelling [traveling] with blistered feet-spoke at great length on the privations which the first elders of the church had to endure for their sake; he painted the situation of the church of Christ fourteen years ago, with but six members, and against whom all the combined powers of superstition, bigotry, and tradition, were levelled [leveled], and its steady progress in the face of all opposition. His remarks occupied near two hours, and were consoling to those who are faithful, and stimulating to those who had become luke-warm in the cause of God.
Adjourned till three o'clock P. M.
Met at three o'clock, P. M. The President called upon the elders for a representation of their different branches, which were as follows;
New York, G. T. Leach, Presiding Elder, two high priests, six elders, seven priests, one deacon, two teachers, and one hundred and ninety four members.
Granville, Monmouth county, N. J., seventeen members; three elders, all in good standing, excepting two. Warren Wallace, P. E.
Whynoque, N. J., baptised [baptized] by Elder John Leach, sixteen members, one priest, and one teacher.
Hempstead, L. I., forty-four members, one elder, one priest, two teachers. All in good standing since the last conference. Two cut off, three added by certificate, one by baptism. S. J. Raymond, P. E.
Brooklyn, L. I., twenty-eight members, one high priest, three elders, one priest, one teacher, one deacon, one cut off, and seven baptized since last conference. All in good standing; best of prospects given by Brother Miles, P. E. Brother Miles feels in high spirits in anticipation of the future.
Sataucket, L. I., branch, seventeen members, two elders, one priest, two teachers, one deacon, all in good standing, Lewis Hulse, P. Elder.
Newark, fourteen members. Elder Ross wants an elder to be sent there.
White House, Mechanicsville, not organised [organized], wants some one to go there, &c. N. Germantown, N. J, Few members in both places.
On motion of Elder Wright, it was resolved, that all the elders use their influence to collect monies [moneys], to assist in the building of the Temple of the Lord; and that wherever they go, they will impress upon the saints the necessity of tithing themselves according to the commandments.
On motion of Elder Braidwood, resolved, that we approve of the course pursued by the publishers of the "Prophet," and that we will use every means in our power to increase its circulation.
Resolved, that we sustain all the authorities of the church of God.
Resolved, that this church do not consider any elder, priest, teacher, or member in good standing, who abstain from the communion table. Adjourned till evening, at half past seven o'clock in the evening, Elders Adams gave a very masterly discourse on Infidelity. John iii. 16.
Ordained three elders. Present at this conference, nineteen elders, five priests, and three teachers.
Resolved, that the minutes of this conference be published in the New York Prophet.
Adjourned till the first Wednesday, in April, 1845.
WM. SMITH, Pres't.
D. ROGERS, Clerk.
Minutes of a Conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints, held in the Court House, in Toulon, Start county, Ill.; on the 7th and 8th days of September, 1844; pursuant to previous appointment.
The conference was organized by appointing Elder J. K. McClenahan President, and Silas Richards Clerk, a hymn was sung by the congregation, and prayer by Elder Robert McClenahan, who afterwards delivered a discourse, followed by the president, after which the conference adjourned until to-morrow morning at ten o'clock A. M.
Sunday morning Sept. 8th, Conference met pursuant to adjournment; a hymn was sung, and prayer by Elder Hitchcock, after which Elder P. Brunson preached on the parable of the "ten virgins," followed by Elder Sanders, on the knowledge of the living and true God and Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Ghost.
After which the president made some very appropriate remarks relative to the principles of eternal truth, as contained in the scriptures Adjourned till half past one o'clock P. M.
Met pursuant to adjournment. The different branches represented at this conference are as follows:
The Toulon branch represented by Brother Miller consists of twenty eight members including five elders, three priests, one teacher, one deacon.
Prince's Grove branch represented by Elder Hitchcock, contains thirteen members, including three elders.
The branch at Walnut Grove, represented by Elder Sanders, contains twenty five members, including six elders.
During the remaining part of the day, several brethren addressed the congregation.
A committee of three persons were appointed to receive and forward donations for the temple.
At five o'clock the conference adjourned to meet at Prince's Grove on the third Saturday in May next at ten o'clock, A. M.
Voted, that the proceedings of this conference be transmitted to Nauvoo, to be published in the Times and Seasons.
J. K. McCLENAHAN, Pres't.
City of Nauvoo, Oct. 6, 1844.
Thousands having arrived on the ground by ten o'clock A. M. Elder P. P. Pratt called the people to order Singing by the choir.-Prayer by Elder Phelps. Some instructions were given by Elder Pratt, when President B. Young having arrived, arose to lay before the brethren the matters to be attended to during the conference: This day will be devoted to preaching and instruction, and we will attend to business to-morrow. If the Twelve could have had their desires when they returned home, they would have set their houses in order, and devoted themselves to fasting and prayer. It has not been the Twelve who desired to have business which pertains to this conference, transacted previous, it was others who urged it on. Some elders who have known the organization of the church from the beginning, have faultered [faltered] and become darkened. We feel to give the necessary instruction pertaining to the church, and how it has been led &c. It is necessary that the saints should also be instructed relative to building the temple, and spreading the principles of truth from sea to sea, and from land to land until it shall have been preached to all nations, and then according to the testimony of the ancients, the end will come. When the Lord commences to work upon the earth he always does it by revealing his will to some man on the earth, and he to others. The church is built up by revelation, given from day to day according to the requirements of the people. The Lord will not cease to give revelations to the people, unless, the people trample on his laws and forsake and reject him. I request that the Latter-day Saints may pray that we may have the outpouring of the spirit that we may hear, and I wish them to pray for me that I may have strength, and that I may make every principle I speak upon, so perfectly plain, that we may all understand as quick as when we talk together upon our daily matters.
This church has been led by revelation, and unless we forsake the Lord entirely, so
that the priesthood is taken from us, it will be led by revelation all the time. The question arises with some who has the right to revelation? I will not ascend any higher than a priest, and ask the priest what is your right? You have the right to receive the administration of angels. If an angel was to come to you and tell you what the Lord was going to do in this day, you would say you had a revelation. The president of the priests have a right to the Urim and Thummim, which gives all revelation. He has the right of receiving visits from angels. Every priest then in the church has the right of receiving revelations. Every member has the right of receiving revelations for themselves, both male and female. It is the very life of the church of the living God, in all ages of the world. The spirit of truth is sent forth into all the world to reprove the world of sin and righteousness, and of a judgment to come. If we were here to-day and had never heard this gospel, and a man was to come bounding into onr [our] midst, saying, he had come to preach the gospel, to tell us that God was about to restore the priesthood and save the people, &c.; it would be your privilege, and my privilege to ask God in the name of Jesus Christ, as individuals, concerning this thing, whether it was of God, and get a testimony from God that it was true, and this would be revelation. Let us take some of these old fathers for an example, they have heard the gospel, they have been baptised [baptized] &c.. had hands laid on them for the gift of the Holy Ghost-he has got a family of children, he has been led all his days by his own spirit, but now begins to come to understand he has the right to bow before the Lord and receive instruction from God, from day to day, how to manage his family, his farm, his merchandize [merchandise], and to govern all the affairs of his house. I will take some of my younger brethren who have received the gospel, they have been ordained an elder to hold the keys, &c. What is your privilege? It is your privilege to go and preach the gospel to the world, and to go by the power of the Holy Ghost, and you have no right to go without it. You have been ordained to go forth and build up the kingdom to a certain extent. No man ever preached a gospel discourse, nor never will, unless, he does it by revelation. You will do it by the Holy Ghost, or when you tell the history of the gospel and gospel will not be there. It has got to be done by revelation or the gospel you have not got, and when you preach, the people will still be left without the gospel.-There never was a prophet on the earth that dictated to the people, but he dictated their temporal affairs as well as spiritual. It is the right of an individual to get revelations to guide himself. It is the right of the head of a family to get revelations to guide and govern his family. It is the right of an elder when he has built up a church to get revelations to guide and lead that people until he leads them and delivers them up to his superiors. An elder will always be a little in advance of those whom he has raised up if he is faithful.
He next showed how the saints are delivered up in their progress from those who give them up to the High Council, and from the High Council to the prophet, and from the prophet to the son, the elder brother, and from the son to his father. Is the keys of the kingdom taken from Joseph? On no; well then he still lives. He that believes in Jesus as Joseph did, they will never die. They may lay down their lives, but they still hold the keys. You are not going to be led without revelation. The prophet has stepped behind the vail [veil] and you have the right to obtain revelations for your own salvation. Who stood next to the prophet when he was here. You have all acknowledged that the Twelve were the presidents of the whole church when Joseph was not; and now he has stepped behind the vail [veil], he is not here, and the Twelve are the presidents of the whole church. When did Joseph become a prophet? I can tell you, when he became an apostle. Years and years before he had the right of holding the keys of the Aaronic priesthood, he was a prophet, even before he was baptised [baptized]. There has been a perfect flood of revelation poured from this stand all the time and you did not know it. Every spirit that confesses that Joseph Smith is a prophet, that he lived and died a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true, is of God, and every spirit that does not is of anti-christ.
It is the test of our fellowship to believe and confess that Joseph lived and died a prophet of God in good standing; and I don't want any one to fellowship the Twelve who says that Joseph is fallen. If you don't know whose right it is to give revelations, I will tell you. It is I. There never has a man stood between Joseph and the Twelve, and unless we apostatize there never will. If Hyrum had lived he would not have stood between Joseph and the Twelve but he would have stood for Joseph.-Did Joseph ordain any man to take his place? He did. Who was it? It was Hyrum, but, Hyrum fell a martyr before Joseph did. If Hyrum had lived he would have acted for Joseph, and then when we had gone up, the
Twelve would have set down at Joseph right hand, and Hyrum on the left hand. The bible says God hath set in the church, first apostles, then comes prophets, afterwards, because the keys and power of the apostleship are greater than that of the prophets. Sidney Rigdon cannot hold the keys without Joseph, if he had held the keys with Joseph and been faithful he would have been with us. If the Twelve do not apostatize they carry the keys of this kingdom wherever they go. He concluded by requesting all the brethren to tarry with us until all the business is through.
The meeting adjourned by blessing from Elder H. C. Kimball, until 2 o'clock.
Two o'clock P. M. The meeting was opened as usual by singing, and prayer by Elder W. W. Phelps, after which Elder John Taylor arose and addressed the people. He said it was with peculiar feelings that he arose to address the congregation. This is the first general conference that has been held, where your beloved prophet and patriarch are not present. When I look at the many difficulties and severe trials we have passed through it fills me with peculiar feelings. I feel happy to see that the people still seem determined to hold on to those principles which have been given to us through revelation. Nothing shall separate us from those principles which we have imbibed, neither life nor death. By the voice of Jehovah we have been sustained and will be sustained so long as we put our trust in him.-We have not followed "cunningly devised fables," but those principles which have come from God. So long as we are sustained and upheld by the arm of Jehovah, we shall stand: mobs may rage, and the rulers may imagine vain things; but God has said, touch not mine anointed and do my people no harm; and if harm does befall them, wo to that man by whom it comes. If our prophets have been taken, they are gone to plead our cause before the Father. And if we are deprived of their persons, presence and council, that is no reason why we should be deprived of the council of God to direct us in all our movements whilst pressing our journey here below. We are in possession of the same principles, the same priesthood, the same medium of communication and intelligence, and of those things which will not only secure our happiness here, but hereafter. When we speak of these matters, we speak of things which we know assuredly, and although our prophet and patriarch are taken, all things pertaining to our salvation will roll on and progress with as great rapidity, and can be as effectually secured and accomplished as if they were here themselves. God has secured to us those things in relation to our salvation which has been in his bosom since the world began. He has in his providence seen fit to call our brethren to himself; but he has left others to take their places, who can teach us principles and lead us to those things whereby we may ultimately be clothed with glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life. If we had built upon a false foundation we might have made a mistake in relation to our gathering together to be instructed; but we have not; our present revelations agree with the past. The prophets said that the people would gather together, "those who had made a covenant with God by sacrifice" and the word and purposes of God must stand unchanged, they do not rest upon any mere casualty. Did the prophet ever tell us that if a certain man should happen to die we should scatter abroad? No! no such thing ever emanated from the lips of God. We assembled together to fulfill the revelations of the Great Jehovah, to bring about the dispensation of the fulness [fullness] of times, to build up a Zion to the Most High, that he might be glorified. We assembled here to bring about great events, to fulfil [fulfill] the things spoken of by the prophets and secure to ourselves an inheritance in the everlasting kingdom of God. Shall we then be led about by the foolish notions of any man? No! we will not, but we will accomplish those things which are commanded us. We will not be diverted from our course, though earth and hell oppose. Shall we fear the puny arm of man, or the prating of a wretched mobocrat? No! What have we to fear? We have nothing but God to fear.
It is true we have not much to live for, and if we have no hope beyond the grave we should be of all men most miserable. We are oppressed, and slandered and persecuted all the day long; all that I care for is to do the will of God, and secure to myself all those blessings which the gospel will warrant me, I have been brought to the gates of death, but I dont [don't] fear it; I care nothing about it. You feel as I do in relation to these matters, for your conduct has proven it during the late difficulties. I know that the majority of the people are endeavoring to serve God with all their hearts, and are they not prepared to die? There is nothing in death we have to fear; it is not half as much to die as it is to be persecuted all the day long. Our great object then is to accomplish the thing that we set out for. When we gathered together we expected to meet tribulation; the elders that preached to you told
you this or else they did not do their duty.-We have been told there would be earthquakes in divers places, and pestilence, and war, and persecution, and distress, and famine. Do these things move us? If the bud is so bitter I wonder what the fruit will be.-Dont [Don't] you expect to be worse off than you are now? John saw an innumerable company and wanted to know where they come from; it was told to him that they are they which came out of great tribulation. That is the path we have got to tread. The scripture says: 'wo unto you when all men shall speak well of you;' but that curse has never come upon us, for there are some few here and there who will not speak well of you. But 'blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely for Christ's sake.' Do you think there is any more evil that they have not said? If there is, let it come. What is it that makes you be evil spoken of? you used to have a good name and reputation where you resided; what is the reason you are now so much spoken against?-You have dared to believe the gospel; you have dared to obey it; and that is the reason why the world hates you. I know there is not a better set of men than these by which I am surrounded; I know there is not a more virtuous set of people on the earth, and yet all manner of evil is spoken of you. Shall we cry and go mourning all the day long? No, we will rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is our reward in heaven. I feel to rejoice; we have cause to rejoice for all manner of evil is spoken against us falsely, and I will say hallelujah, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. What did we know of God, of religion, of heaven or hell, until it was made known to us through this gospel? We knew nothing. Why are we taking so much pains to build that Temple? That we may fulfil [fulfill] certain ordinances, and receive certain endowments and secure to ourselves an inheritance in the eternal world. Every man, woman and child within the sound of my voice, are interested in the building of that Temple. We know very little as a people yet, we dont [don't] know so much as the former day saints. The Savior said to his disciples, 'whither I go ye know, and the way ye know;' but how many of you know the locality of the Savior and the way to go to him? I know there are some here who know how to save themselves and their families, and it is this which occupies their attention all the day long, and it was this which occupied the attention of our beloved prophet. Abraham obtained promises through the gospel, from God, for himself and his posterity. There were some upon this continent who also obtained promices [promises], in consequence of which the Book of Mormon came forth! The first thing we have got to do is to build the Temple, where we can receive those blessings which we so much desire. Never mind mobocrats, but let us do what God has commanded us. You that are living at a distance, dont [don't] fear these cursed scoundrels; we are all in the hands of God; we are all the servants of God; and we are going forth to do the things of God.
He exorted [exhorted] the saints to be virtuous, humble and faithful, and concluded by blessing the saints.
He said further, in relation to the baptisms for the dead, that it would be better for the saints to go on and build the Temple before we urge our baptisms too much. There are cases which require being attended to, and there are provisions made for them; but as a general thing he would advise them not to be in too great a hurry. He said one of the clerks had asked whether any should be baptized who had not paid their tithing; it is our duty to pay our tithing, one tenth of all we possess, and then one tenth of our increase, and a man who has not paid his tithing is unfit to be baptized for his dead. It is as easy for a man who has ten thousand dollars to pay one thousand, as it is for a man who has but a little to pay one tenth. It is our duty to pay our tithing. If a man has not faith enough to attend to these little things, he has not faith enough to save himself and his friends. It is a man's duty to attend to these things. The poor are not going to be deprived of these blessings because they are poor; no, God never reaps where he has not sown. This command is harder for the rich than the poor; a man who has one million dollars, if he should give one hundred thousand, he would think he was beggared forever. The Savior said, how hardly do they that have riches enter the kingdom of heaven.
Bishop Miller arose to say that on yesterday the bishops had to go in debt to get some wood to save some poor from suffering; and they wanted to take up a collection to pay the amount; he was opposed to taking up a collection in the congregation, but necessity required it on this occasion.
After the collection was taken up the conference adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 a'clock [o'clock].
(To be Continued.)
Elder W. W. Phelps read from the same revelation which was first read by Elder Marks,
he read the same Elder Marks did, and added, "even to the church" which Elder Marks omitted to read. He also referred to the other quotations by Elder Marks, plainly showing that they were not to the point. He read from new edition, page 414. He said Brother Marks apologized for Elder Rigdon, inasmuch as he did not know where to present his revelation, but Elder Marks knew and he could have told Elder Rigdon; it looks a little like "nimble practice." As to the instructions pertaining to the first presidency, they will be explained hereafter.
Elder Marks arose to reply to the charge of his having given out the appointment to choose a guardian at Elder Rigdon's request. He said he did not understand the object of the meeting when he gave out the appointment.
Elder Hyde stated that a short time before the difficulties, President Joseph Smith in one of their councils, told the Twelve that he had given them all the keys and ordinances which had been committed to him.
At this stage of the business their was a call for the question, from many parts of the congregation, whereupon, President Young without further ceremony submitted the case to Bishop Whitney and the High Council.
The Bishop gave a privilege to the High Council to offer any remarks they thought proper; but, no one attempting to speak, he said he might give a relation of Elder Rigdon's history for near twenty years past, but I deem it unnecessary. I have had some conversation with Elder Rigdon since he returned from Pittsburgh. I have also been present when others conversed with him; but, I am to decide on the testimony as it has been presented. I was well acquainted with Elder Rigdon a number of years before he came into this church. I never had any confidence in Brother Sidney as a revelator, and why? because I have so repeatedly heard Brother Joseph rebuke him for speaking in the name of the Lord, what was not so. He was always either in the bottom of the cellar or up in the garret window. At the time his license was taken in Kirtland he was more sanguine than he is now. The people were excited very much at that time, Brother Joseph was away, and when he returned and learned what Sidney had been doing, he took him into council, told him to give up his license to the bishop, and divest himself of all the authority he could, for, said he, the less authority you have the better it will be for you. It has been repeatedly the case when he has been speaking to the church that Joseph has rebuked him for it. The bishop then briefly referred to Elder Mark's objection to our fetching testimony beyond the conference, &c., and then continued: I feel that Brother Rigdon came here with a bad spirit, and has delivered a revelation. If such things as are contained in his revalation [revelation], have been revealed to him, it is from a source with which we want nothing to do. When he first came here I thought he was deceived, but since last Tuesday evening, I have been convinced that he is dishonest. He made many evasive replies to the interrogatories of the Twelve, and I think his calculation is to scatter this people, because his theory comes in opposition to President Joseph Smith's revelations. It has been proved that he prophesied that we should not build this Temple, I believe he is an evil designing man. He is dishonest, and he has lied to carry out his theory. He preached one thing one day and the contrary another. He did not reconcile his preaching to me. I asked him to reconcile it, but he did not do it. I feel to sustain the Twelve in withdrawing their fellowship, and I think the High Council and the church ought to sustain the decision of the Twelve. He concluded by calling upon the High Council to manifest if they were satisfied with his decision, and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
Elder Hyde arose and said he was not satisfied with the motion; it is not explicit enough.
Elder W. W. Phelps arose and offered a motion, that Elder Sidney Rigdon be cut off from the church, and delivered over to the buffetings of satan until he repents.
Bishop Whitney then presented the motion to the High Council, and the vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
Elder W. W. Phelps then offered the same motion to the church, upon which President Young arose and requested the congregation to place themselves so that they could see all who voted. We want to know who goes for Sidney and who are for the Twelve. He then called upon the church to signify whether they was in favor of the motion. The vote was unanimous, excepting a few of Elder Rigdon's party, numbering about ten.
He then requested those who were for Sidney Rigdon to manifest it, and as before stated there was about ten.
Elder Phelps then motioned, that all who have voted to follow Elder Rigdon should be suspended until they can have a trial before the High Council.
An amendment was offered, as follows: "or shall hereafter be found advocating his principles."
The vote was unanimous in the affirmative.
Elder Young arose and delivered Sidney Rigdon over to the buffetings of Satan, in the name of the Lord, and all the people said, amen.
Elder Hyde motioned that James Emmett and Zachariah Wilson, and those who go with them, shall be disfellowshipped, until they repent, but at the request of Elder Young the motion was withdrawn.
Elder Hyde again rose and stated that Elder Samuel James had promised to preach a funeral sermon at the request of Pres't Young. He came at the time appointed and preached any thing but a funeral sermon, and after he got through he said, if Brigham Young wanted a funeral sermon preached, he might preach it himself. He considered that this was unchristian like conduct, and he moved that Samuel James be disfellowshipped from the church. The vote was unanimous.
He further said, whereas Jared Carter has gone on some mission, contrary to council, under the new revelation, I move that fellowship be withdrawn from him, and that it be published in the next Neighbor and Times and Season. The vote was unanimous.
Elder Amasa Lyman motioned that Samuel Bennett be cut off from the church, for having received a false ordination. The vote was unanimous.
Elder Lyman motioned that Leonard Soby be cut off for the same cause, with Samuel Bennett. The vote was unanimous.
It was motioned and seconded, that Joseph H. Newton, be cut off from the church. The vote was unanimous.
It was motioned and seconded, that John A. Forgeus be cut off from the church. The vote was unanimous.
It was motioned and seconded, that President Marks, express his feelings at the proceedings of this meeting.
He arose and said he was willing to be satisfied with the action of the church on the case.
Resolved, that these minutes be published in the Neighbor and Times and Seasons.
At 4 o'clock P. M. the meeting dismissed with a blessing from Elder W. W. Phelps.
From the Nauvoo Neighbor.
Through cities, towns, and countries, I've often found my way,
Unnumbered joys attending to bless each happy day.
Ten thousand, thousand beauties rare, have often met my view;
But lovelier still and queen of all, is beautiful Nauvoo.
Oh, tell me not of ancient Rome, of Athens, or of Troy:
Gone, gone is all their greatness, without one gleam of joy,
Nor speak ye yet, more modern names, though fair and lovely too;
What is their beauty, what their fame, compared to fair Nauvoo?
Tell not of Egypt's ruined towns that once show'd splendor's dome;
Though art and science ever fair, once made that place their home:
For they have flown, have crossed the seas, and now bid fair to do,
The honor of their presence sweet, to beautiful Nauvoo.
Speak not of London's wealth and power, her population dense,
Long time she's had a nation's care, and sums of gold immense,
Then why not be old England's pride, there's been no hostile foe,
To check the progress of her growth; not so with fair Nauvoo.
'Midst great oppression she has risen, the pride of all the land;
Built up by men who had been driven, from all they could command;
Once nursed on luxuries lap of ease, of toil they little knew,
But stript of all, their hands they ply to rear the fair Nauvoo.
Nor deem they this a task severe, they fondly do believe,
That each and every suffering here, God surely will relieve,
Though men more fierce than savage beasts, lions and tigers too,
Have slain their Prophet, and assail the beautiful Nauvoo:
Yet trusting still in Him who said, "their wrongs I will redress,"
And fondly do they now believe, that they, they are the blest,
And as you gaze upon that scene, their temple strikes your view,
And in the fulness [fullness]of your heart, you 'xclaim, O, fair Nauvoo!
Though wild and visionary schemes, their doctrine seems to me,
Yet on that temple, when I gaz'd involuntarily,
Escaped my heart a prayer to God, sincere and fervent too,
That he will bless the people of the young and fair Nauvoo.
LAURA, a Visiter [Visitor].
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