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Volume VI. No. 15.] | CITY OF NAUVOO, ILL. AUG 15, 1845. | [Whole No. 123. |
At a council of the high priest and elders at my house, in Kirtland on the evening of the 12th of February, I remarked, that I should endeavor to set before the council the dignity of the office which had been conferred on me by the ministering of the angel of God, by his own voice, and by the voice of this church that I had never set before any council in all the order of it, which it ought to be conducted, which, perhaps has deprived the councils of some, or many blessings.
And I continued and said, no man is capable of judging a matter, in council, unless his own heart is pure, and that we frequently are so filled with prejudice, or have a beam in our own eye, that we are not capable of passing right decisions, &c.
But to return to the subject of order: in ancient days councils were conducted with such strict propriety that no one was allowed to whisper, be weary, leave the room, or get uneasy in the least; until the voice of the Lord, by revelation, or by the voice of the council by the spirit was obtained, which has not been observed in this church to the present. It was understood in ancient days, that if one man could stay in council, another could; and if the President could spend his time, the members could also: but in our councils, generally, one will be uneasy, another asleep; one praying, another not; one's mind on the business of the council, and another thinking on something else, &c.
Our acts are rendered, and at a future day they will be laid before us, and if we should fail to judge right and injure our fellow beings, they may be there, perhaps, condemn us; there they are of great consequence and to me the consequence appears to be of force, beyond anything which I am able to express, &c. Ask yourselves, brethren, how much you have exercised yourselves in prayer since you heard of this council; and if you are now prepared to sit in council upon the soul of your brother?
I then gave a relation of my situation at the time I obtained the record, the persecutions I met with, &c., and prophecied [prophesied] that I would stand and shine like the sun in the firmament, when my enemies and the gainsayers of my testimony shall be put down and cut off, and their names blotted out from among men.
The council proceeded to investigate certain charges presented by Elder Rigdon against Martin Harris, one was, that he told A. C. Russell, Esq. that Joseph drank too much liquor when he was translating the Book of Mormon, and that he wrestled with many men and threw them, &c.; and that he (Harris) exalted himself above Joseph, in that he said, "Brother Joseph knew not the contents of the Book of Mormon, until it was translated, but that he, himself knew all about it before it was translated."
Brother Harris said he did not tell Esq. Russell that Brother Joseph drank too much liquor while translating the Book of Mormon, but this thing occurred previous to the translating of the book; he confessed that his mind was darkened, and that he had said many things inadvertantly [inadvertently], calculated to wound the feelings of his brethren, and promised to do better. The council forgave him, with much good advice.
Brother Rich was called in question for transgressing the word of wisdom, and for selling the revelations at an extortionary price, while he was journeying east with father Lyons. Brother Rich confessed, and the council forgave him upon his promising to do better and reform his life.
Liberty, Clay county, Mo., Feb. 13, 1844.
A. Leonard Esq; Dear Sir:
I received a line from Wm. Pratt, who called on you a few weeks since, to enquire [inquire] if your service could be secured in the prosecution of claims for damages by our church against the citizens of Jackson county, and by his letter it appears that you are willing to engage. So far as I have conversed with the principal leaders of our church, they are desirous to secure your services, which also meets the approbation of our counsel in this county, viz: Messrs. Reese, Doniphon [Doniphan], Atchison and Wood.
I write this a few moments before closing the mail, and have not time to state particulars, as to the extent of the suits, &c., but believe that four or five suits have been brought by Phelps & Co., for the destruction of the printing office &c., &c., and by Partridge and others for personal abuse, &c. I understand that at the next Monday term of the circuit court, petition will be made for a change of venue in Jackson county, and I suppose no case can be tried before next June or October term. If it is expedient some one of our people will call on you
in a few days, and during the interim, wish you to drop a line if convenient.
We have this day received a communication from the Governor of the 4th inst. in which he states, that he is of opinion that a military guard will be necessary, to protect the state witnesses and officers of the court, and to assist in the execution of its orders, while sitting in Jackson county.
By this mail I write to Mr. Reese, enclosing him an order on the captain of the "Liberty Blues," requiring the captain to comply with the requisition of the circuit attorney, in protecting the court and officers, and executing their precepts and orders during the progress of these trials.
The foregoing relates to a court of enquiry [inquiry] into criminal matters, to be held in Jackson county, next Monday week.
Very respectfully, your ob't s'v't,
Minutes of the organization of the High Council of the Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints, Kirtland, February 17, 1834.
This day a general council of twenty-four high priests assembled at the house of Joseph Smith, jr. by revelation, and proceeded to organize the high council of the church of Christ, which was to consist of twelve high priests, and one or three presidents, as the case might require. This high council was appointed by revelation for the purpose of settling important difficulties, which might arise in the church, which could not be settled by the church, or the bishop's council, to the satisfaction of the parties.
Joseph Smith, jr., Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams, were acknowledged presidents by the voice of the council; and Joseph Smith, senior, John Smith, Joseph Coe, John Johnson, Martin Harris, John S. Carter, Jared Carter, Oliver Cowdery, Samuel H. Smith, Orson Hyde, Sylvester Smith, and Luke Johnson, high priests, were chosen to be a standing council for the church, by the unanimous voice of the council. The above named counsellors [counselors] were then asked whether they accepted their appointments, and whether they would act in that office according to the law of heaven; to which they all answered, that they accepted their appointments, and would fill their offices according to the grace of God bestowed upon them.
The number composing the council, who voted in the name and for the church in appointing the above named counsellors [counselors], were forty three, as follows: nine high priests, seventeen elders, four priests, and thirteen members.
Voted, that the high council cannot have power to act without seven of the above named counsellors [counselors], or their regularly appointed successors are present. These seven shall have power to appoint other high priest, whom they may consider worthy and capable, to act in the place of absent counsellors [counselors].
Voted, that whenever any vacancy shall occur by the death, removal from office for transgression, or removal from the bounds of this church government, of any one of the above named counsellors [counselors], it shall be filled by the nomination of the president or presidents, and sanctioned by the voice of a general council of high priests, convened for that purpose, to act in the name of the church.
The president of the church, who is also the president of the council, is appointed by revelation, and acknowledged, in his administration by the voice of the church; and it is according to the dignity of his office, that he should preside over the council of the church; and it is his privilege to be assisted by two other presidents, appointed after the same manner as he himself was appointed; and in case of the absence of one or both of those who are appointed to assist him, he has power to preside over the council without an assistant; and in case that he himself is absent, the other presidents have power to preside in his stead, both or either of them.
Whenever an high council of the church of Christ is regularly organized, according to the foregoing pattern, it shall be the duty of the twelve counsellors [counselors] to cast lots by numbers, and thereby ascertain who, of the twelve, shall speak first, commencing with number one; and so in succession to number twelve.
Whenever this council convenes to act upon any case, the twelve counsellors [counselors] shall consider whether it is a difficult one or not; if it is not, two only of the counsellors [counselors] shall speak upon it, according to the form above written. But if it is thought to be difficult, four shall be appointed; and if more difficult, six: but in no case shall more than six be appointed to speak.-The accused, in all cases, has a right to one half of the council, to prevent insult or injustice; and the counsellors [counselors] appointed to speak before the council; and every man is to speak according to equity and justice. Those counsellors [counselors] who draw even numbers, that is, two, four, six, eight, ten and twelve, are the individuals who are to stand up in the behalf of the accused, and prevent insult or injustice.
In all cases the accuser and the accused shall have a privilege of speaking for themselves, before the council, after the evidences are heard:
and the counsellors [counselors] who are appointed to speak on the case, have finished their remarks. After the evidences are heard, the counsellors [counselors], accuser and accused have spoken, the president shall give a decision according to the understanding which he shall have of the case, and call upon the twelve counsellors [counselors] to sanction the same by their vote. But should the remaining counsellors [counselors], who have not spoken, or any one of them, after hearing the evidences and pleading impartially, discover an error in the decision of the president, they can manifest it, and the case shall have a re-hearing, and if, after a careful re-hearing, any additional light is shown upon the case, the decision shall be altered accordingly: but if no additional light is given, the first decision shall stand, the majority of the council having power to determine the same.
In cases of difficulty respecting doctrine, or principle, (if there is not a sufficiency written to make the case clear to the minds of the council,) the president may inquire and obtain the mind of the Lord by revelation.
The high priests, when abroad, have power to call and organize a council after the manner of the foregoing, to settle difficulties when the parties, or either of them, shall request it: and the said council of high priests shall have power to appoint one of their own number, to preside over such council for the time being. It shall be the duty of said council to transmit, immediately, a copy of their proceedings, with a full statement of the testimony accompanying their decision, to the high council of the seat of the first presidency of the church.-Should the parties, or either of them, be dissatisfied with the decision of said council, they may appeal to the high council of the seat of the first presidency of the church, and have a re-hearing, which case shall then be conducted, according to the former pattern written, as though no such decision had been made.
This council of high priests abroad, is only to be called on the most difficult cases of church matters: and no common or ordinary case is to be sufficient to call such council.-The travelling [traveling] or located high priest abroad, have power to say whether it is necessary to call such a council or not.
There is a distinction between the high council of travelling [traveling] high priest abroad, and the travelling [traveling] high council composed of the twelve apostles, in their decisions: From the decision of the former there can be an appeal, but from the decision of the latter there cannot. The latter can only be called in question by the general authorities of the church in case of transgression.
Resolved, that the president, or presidents of the seat of the first presidency of the church, shall have power to determine whether any such case, as may be appealed, is justly entitled to a re-hearing, after examining the appeal and the evidences and statements accompanying it.
The twelve counsellors [counselors] then proceeded to cast lots, or ballot, to ascertain who should speak first, and the following was the result; namely:-
Oliver Cowdery, No. 1 John Johnson, No. 7
Joseph Coe " 2 Orson Hyde " 8
Samuel H. Smith " 3 Jared Carter " 9
Luke Johnson " 4 Joseph Smith, sen. " 10
John S. Carter " 5 John Smith " 11
Sylvester Smith " 6 Martin Harris " 12
After prayer the conference adjourned.
On the 18th, I reviewed and corrected the minutes of the organization of the high council: and on the 19th of February the council assembled, according to adjournment from the 17th, when the revised minutes were presented and read to the council; I urged the necessity of prayer, that the spirit might be given, that the things of the spirit might be judged thereby, because the carnal mind cannot discern the things of God, &c. The minutes were read three times, and unanimously adopted and received for a form and constitution of the high council of the church of Christ hereafter; with this provision, that if the president should hereafter discover any lack in the same he should be privileged to fill it up.
The number present, who received the above named documents was twenty six high priests, eighteen elders, three priests, one teacher, and fourteen private members, making in all sixty two.
After giving such instruction as the spirit dictated, I laid my hands severally upon the heads of the two assistant presidents and blessed them, that they might have wisdom to magnify their offices, and power over all the power of the adversary.
I also laid my hands upon the twelve counsellors [counselors], and commanded a blessing to rest upon them, that they might have wisdom and power to council in righteousness, upon all subjects that might be laid before them. I also prayed that they might be delivered from those evils to which they were most exposed, and that their lives might be prolonged on the earth.
My father Joseph then laid his hands upon my head and said, "Joseph, I lay my hands upon thy head and pronounce the blessing of thy progenitors upon thee, that thou mayest hold
the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven until the coming of the Lord: Amen."
He also laid his hands upon the head of his son Samuel and said, "Samuel, I lay my hands upon thy head, and pronounce the blessing of thy progenitors upon thee, that thou mayest remain a priest of the Most High God, and like Samuel of old, hear his voice, saying, Samuel, Samuel; Amen."
John Johnson, also, laid his hand upon the head of his son Luke and said, "My father in heaven, I ask thee to bless this my son, according to the blessings of his forefathers, that he may be strengthened in his ministry, according to his holy calling; Amen."
I then gave the assistant presidents a solemn charge, to do their duty in righteousness, and in the fear of God, I also charged the twelve counsellors [counselors] in a similar manner, all in the name of Jesus Christ.
We all raised our hands to heaven in token of the everlasting covenant, and the Lord blessed us with his spirit. I then declared the council organized according to the ancient order, and also according to the mind of the Lord.
The following complaint was then presented before the council, by a high priest:
Kirtland, February 19th, 1834.
To the President of the High Council of the Church of Christ:
The following charges I prefer against Elder Curtis Hodges, Sen. of this church: First, an error in spirit; Secondly, an error in address or communication, which was in loud speaking, and a want of clearness in articulation which was calculated to do injury to the cause of God; and also, of contending or persisting, that that was a good or proper spirit which actuated him thus to speak, all of which I consider unbecoming an elder in this church, and request a hearing before the high council.
Elder Hodges plead "not guilty" of the above charges.
Father Lyon's was called on to substantiate the above charges, and his testimony was pointed against Brother Hodges. Brother Story testified that Elder Hodges talked so loud at a prayer meeting that the neighbors came out to see if some one was not hurt. At another meeting, he said that Elder Thayer rebuked him for his error, but he did not receive the rebuke; that he raised his voice so high that he could not articulate so as to be understood; and that his teaching brought a damp upon the meeting, and was not edifying. Brother E. Babbitt was then called upon, who testified that Elder Hodges was guilty of hallooing so loud that in a measure he lost his voice, and uttered but little else distinctly, "Glory to heaven's king." His testimony was pointed against Brother Hodges, and Brother T. Wait testified much the same,
Counsellor [Counselor] O. Cowdery stood up on the part of the accuser, and opened the case handsomely and clearly.
Counsellor [Counselor] J. Coe stood up on the part of the accused, but could say but a few words.
The accuser and accused then spoke for themselves, after which, the president arose and laid open the case still more plain, and gave his decision, which was, that the charges in the declaration had been fairly sustained by good witnesses; also, that Elder Hodges ought to have confessed when rebuked by Elder Thayer; also, if he had the spirit of the Lord at the meetings, where he hallooed, he must have abused it, and grieved it away. All the council agreed with the decision.
Elder Hodges then rose and said, he then saw his wrong, but never saw it before, and appeared to feel thankful that he saw it. He said he had learned more during this trial, than he had since he came into the church-confessed freely his error, and said he would attend to overcoming that evil, the Lord being his helper. The council forgave him and adjourned to the evening of the 20th.
From the N. Y. Messenger.
I have just arrived in New York from Nauvoo, the City of the Saints, having been duly appointed and sent by the presiding authorities of the whole church, to preside over the churches in the east-having the same extent of jurisdiction -the same power and authority, and the same calling, office, and priesthood, in every respect, which were vested in and entrusted with your former President, Parley P. Pratt, who has now returned, by the sanction of the presidency, to his family and friends in the west.
It is with feelings of no ordinary kind that I now enter upon the highly responsible duties of a watchman and shepherd, and a presiding officer over you. Great are the responsibilities and highly important are the duties of one who is entrusted with the oversight and welfare of numerous branches of the church of the living God. I am happy to state, from correct sources of information, that the churches now under my charge, have been left by their former president
for the most part in a flourishing and prosperous condition. Peace, love, union, and good order seems to prevail among them. A knowledge of true order and government of the kingdom of God has greatly increased; the power and authority of its officers are more perfectly understood and appreciated, and in short, the laws, ordinances, blessings, keys and sealing powers of this last dispensation, have been more fully opened to their minds, by which their faith has been strengthened, their union and love increased, and their desires have become more ardent to receive all necessary preparations to obtain eternal salvation for themselves, their progenitors, and their children.
The present prospects of the saints in the east are indeed cheering. The dark clouds which have hung over their heads with threatening aspects, are breaking away. The drooping minds and spirits (occasioned by the false teachings, unvirtuous practices, and hellish conduct of Adams and others,) are beginning to revive. The countenances of the saints wear a more cheerful and serene aspect; while hope, gladness, and joy animates their bosoms and stimulates them to action. The officers in the different branches seem to more perfectly understand their duties, and are ready under all circumstances, at a moments warning, to obey counsel, to preside, preach, administer ordinances, to go and come, or labor with their own hands as they are directed by legal authority. The influence of Rigdon with his organized apostacy [apostasy], is twice dead-plucked up by the roots-lost-swallowed up and engulphed [engulfed] in its own deep pit of corruption.
The law of tithing has been cheerfully complied with and with willingness, by many of the saints; while others are making speedy preparations to do the same, Every arrangement is being made by the faithful, to gather up their substance and flee to the city of the saints, unto the place of the Temple of the Most High.
It is with great satisfaction and pleasure that I enter upon my official duties as President, under circumstances so highly favorable.
To a people so well instructed it would seem almost superfluous to enter into an explanatory detail of the several duties devolving upon me and upon those officers and churches under my immediate and special charge; but yet I deem it wisdom to point out to you, in some respects the course I intend pursuing.
And, first, I highly approve of all the rules, regulations, appointments, teachings, counsels, and official acts of President Parley P. Pratt, and shall endeavor to support, uphold, and carry out all his measures, as far as it is practicable under circumstances which may or shall exist.
Let the high priests, elders and other officers continue in their respective fields of labor, according to their several appointments until they receive further counsel from me.
Let all the rules and regulations established by President Pratt, in relation to conferences, ordinations, sending on missions, &c., be strictly observed and adhered to by all.
Let every high priest, elder, officer, and member be careful not to teach, either publicly or privately any doctrine or precept contrary to the word of God, or the principles of sound morality and virtue.
And should any officer or member be found instilling or disseminating any principles, in public or in private, which could be considered, even by the world, as unvirtuous or immoral, let him speedily be reported to the proper authorities and dealt with according to the strict principles of the law of God.
And should any of the presiding officers in the east be found violating these rules, let them, without delay, be immediately reported to me, together with the testimony concerning the same.
All covenants and promises which may have been entered into by any of the saints in the east, in relation to the eternal union, independent of the sanction and approbation of him who holds the keys of the sealing power as conferred by Elijah are null and void, being made in unrighteousness, and directly in opposition to the order of the kingdom of God.
If a husband and wife wish to enjoy each others society in the world to come, let all their covenants and promises be made at a proper time-in a proper place; and under the sanction and approbation of the ONE holding the legal authority and keys of these sacred things.
And if any of the saints shall be found violating any of these sacred, virtuous and holy principles, let them be reported and dealt with strictly.
Let parents and guardians pay strict attention to the virtue and morality of their children and those placed under their charge. Your responsibilities towards them are great and highly important.
Let children seek counsel from, and obey their parents ( who are in the church,) in all things; for in the kingdom of God, parents and children hold the same relation to each other in regard to government and obedience, in time and all eternity.
The same eternal relation of perfect government on the part of the father, and of perfect
obedience on the part of the children, should be maintained that exists between the Eternal Father and his son Jesus Christ.
Let all the officers in every branch, thoroughly teach the saints, both by precept and example, the principles set froth in this message that heaven-born virtue may shine forth in all your words and in short,
Let virtue by your motto, Let virtue-lovely virtuo [virtue],
Let virtue be your guide; In holy triumph reign;
Let virtue in her beauty, Let virtue sway her sceptre [scepter],
Be your immortal bride. O'er valleys, hills, and plain.
The temple of God is beginning to attract the attention of the saints more generally. By the tithings and unwearied exertions of the faithful, its walls have been erected; the roof has been put on, and much of the inside work finished and ready to be placed in its proper position. The glass and nails have been obtained, and some of its rooms will immediately be completed and prepared for the administration of the ordinances of endowment.
If the saints in the east desire a name and place in the temple, and wish to be legally entitled to the blessings to be administered therein, let them comply with all readiness and willingness with the whole law of tithing; that is, let them ascertain the full value of all they possess, and give one tenth of the same; and let all your tithings and consecrations be rejected with cursings instead of blessings.-Let those who have already complied with this law, remember that one tenth of their annual income is the Lord's from this time henceforth and forever.
Be punctual and honest in all these things.
The Lord cannot be cheated.
Remember Annanias and his wife, and shun their example.
A book for the record of tithings is now opened at the Messenger office, No. 7 Spruce Street, New York, where I will attend in person, to receive and record all the tithings of the churches within my special jurisdiction, and forward the same to headquarters to be recorded in the temple record.
And I hereby warn all people, both in the eastern and middle states, to pay no tithing to anyone except to me, or to my order, and to such other legal agents as are, or shall be appointed by the Twelve, whose names will appear in our periodicals as authorized agents, and who will also hold a certificate of agency, having the private seal of the Twelve.
The church will not be responsible for any tithings which shall be paid to any other persons.
Let the authorized agents in the eastern and middle states who have received tithings, forward the same, with the names to me at our office by some safe conveyance.
The names of each individual, together with the amount of tithing paid by each, will be published in the Messenger.
I intend visiting the most, if not all, the branches of the church under my charge.
The time that I will be at the different branches will be announced in the Messenger. Let the saints have their tithings in readiness.
I request Elders Brown of Connecticut, Snow of Boston, Grant and Appleby of Philadelphia, and all other officers engaged in the ministry, to send frequent communications to me by letter, (postage paid,) that I may know the state, standing and condition of the branches, and be in possession of all other information necessary to the welfare of the saints, and spread of the gospel in these parts.
As there has been a great inquiry in the east, for the Book of Covenants, I take this opportunity to inform the officers and saints generally, that I have several hundred on hand, price, one dollar and twenty five cents.
Also, just issued from the press, the "Prophetic Almanac" for 1846. Price, 6 1-4 single, 4 dollars per hundred.
Brethren support the Messenger, and buy all our standard works, and let the approved authors among he saints be upheld, sustained, and encouraged.
The press, if rightly used, can be made a mighty engine of truth, more terrible to this guilty generation, than the hand writing on the wall was to Belshazzar. Open your purses, and stretch out the hand of assistance, and sustain us, and we will sustain you.
Remember if the head falters from the want of proper nourishment and attention, the whole body will be feeble, sickly and faint.
And now dear brethren, I beseech and exhort you, by your hopes of eternal salvation, and by all that is sacred and holy, that you refrain from every evil work, and give diligent and earnest heed to the teachings and counsels of those ordained to hold the keys of power on the earth.
Let no false doctrine proceed out of your mouth, such, for instance, as the doctrine that the devil and his angels will be redeemed: and that the tabernacle of our martyred prophet and seer, or of any other person, was, or is the
especial tabernacle of the Holy Ghost, in a different sense from that considered in relation to his residence in other tabernacles. These are doctrines not revealed, and are neither believed nor sanctioned by the Twelve, and should be rejected by every saint:
Cultivate peace, love and union among yourselves. Uphold, by your prayers, those appointed to preside over you.
With anxious desires for your welfare, and with the warmest feelings of affection and love, I subscribe myself, your faithful shepherd, in the new and everlasting covenant.
New York, August 25th, 1845.
From the N. Y. Messenger.
The history of the Arabs, so opposite in many respects to that of the Jews, but as singular as theirs, was concisely and clearly foretold.-It was prophesied concerning Ishmael:-"He will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand will be against him: and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. I will make him fruitful, and multiply him exceedingly; and I will make him a great nation. Gen. xvi 12; xvii. 20.
The fate of Ishmael is here identified with that of his descendants; and the same character is common to them both. The historical evidence of the fact, the universal tradition, and constant boast of the Arabs themselves, their language, and preservation for many ages of an original rite, derived from him as their primogenitor, confirm the truth of their descent from Ishmael. The fulfilment [fulfillment] of the prediction is obvious. Even Gibbon, while he attempts from the exceptions which he specifies to evade the force of the fact, that the Arabs have maintained a perpetual independence, acknowledges that these exceptions are temporary and local; that the body of the nation has escaped the yoke of the most powerful monarchies; and that "the arms of Sesostris and Cyrus, of Pompey and Trajan, could never achieve the conquest of Arabia." But even the exceptions which he specifies, though they are justly stated, and though not coupled with such admissions as invalidate them, would not detract from the truth of the prophecy. The independence of the Arabs was proverbial in ancient as well as in modern times; and the present existence, as a free and independent nation, for a people who derive their descent from so high antiquity, demonstrates that they have never been wholly subdued, as all the nations around them have unquestionably been; and that they have ever dwelt in the presence of their brethren. They not only subsist unconquered to this day, but the prophesied and primitive wildness of their race, and their hostility to all, remains unsubdued and unaltered. "They are a wild people; their hand is against every man; and every man's hand is against them." In the words of Gibbon, which strikingly assimilate with those of the prophecy, they are armed against mankind." Plundering is their profession. Their alliance is never courted, and can never be obtained; and all that the Turks, or Persians, or any of their neighbors can stipulate for from them, is a partial and purchased forbearance. Even the British, who have established a residence in almost every country, have entered the territories of the descendants of Ishmael to accomplish only the premeditated destruction of a fort and to retire. It cannot be alledged [alleged] with truth, that their peculiar character and manner, and its interrupted permanency, are the necessary results of the nature of their country. They have continued wild and uncivilized, and have retained their habits of hostility towards all the rest of the human race, though they possessed for three hundred years countries the most opposite in their nature from the mountains of Arabia. The greatest part of the temperate zone was included within the limits of the Arabian conquests; and their empire extended from the confines of India to the shores of the Atlantic, and embrace a wider range of territory than ever was passed by the Romans, those boasted masters of the world.-The period of their conquest and dominion was sufficient, under such circumstances, to have changed the manners of any people: but, whether in the land of Shinah, or in the valleys of Spain, on the banks of the Tigris, or the Tagus, in Arabia the blessed, or Arabia, the barren, the prosperity of Ishmael have ever maintained their prophetic character; they have remained, under every change of condition, a wild people; their hand has still been against every man, and every man's hand against them.
The natural reflection of a recent traveler, on examining the peculiarities of an Arab tribe, of which he was an eye-witness, may suffice, without any art of controversy, for the illustration of this prophecy: "On the smallest computation, such must have been the manners of those people for more than three thousand years: thus in all things verifying the prediction given of Ishmael at his birth, that he, in his posterity, should be a wild man, and always continue to be so, though they shall dwell for ever in the presence of their brethren.-And that an acute and active people, surrounded
for ages by polished and luxurious nations, should from their earliest to their latest times, be still found a wild people, dwelling in the presence of all their brethren, (as we may call those nations,) unsubdued and unchangeable, is indeed a standing miracle; one of those mysterious facts which establish the truth of prophecy."
Recent discoveries have brought to light the miraculous preservation and existence, as a distinct people, of a less numerous, but no less interesting race; "a plant which grew up under the mighty cedar of Israel, but was destined to flourish when that proud tree was leveled to the earth." "Thus saith the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel, Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me forever."-Jer. xxxv 19. The Rechabites still exist, "a distinct and easily distinguishable" people.-They boast of their descent from Rechab. profess pure Judaism, and all know Hebrew. Yet they live in the neighborhood of Mecca, the chief seat of Mahometanism, and their number is stated to be sixty thousand. The account given of them by Benjamin of Tudela, in the twelfth century, has very recently been confirmed by Mr. Wolff, and, as he witnessed, and heard from an intrepid "Rechabite cavalier," there is not a man wanting to stand up as a son of Rechab.
AUGUST 15, 1845.
THE DAY WE LIVE IN-There never was a more eventful day, than the one we live in. The spring and summer brought us such a catalogue of disaster by water and calamities by land that the very 'report of them was a vexation; and now while the elements seem to rest a little from the work of ruin among men, the angry passions of the people are awaking for a pastime of vengeance. The freedom of the press is trampled under foot in Kentucky, and a printing establishment transported to another State. In New York the Landlord and tenant have commenced an argument, ad hominem, to free a free government of the relics of nobility and monarchy. One man has been killed in Delaware county in indeavoring [endeavoring] to make sale of property for rent upon a Landlord's warrant; and as the passions of men are now easily excited, more victims than one may expect to be sacrificed.
The day we live in, is full of very important events. The whole earth seems to be in commotion, and, with what inexpressible joy ought every saint to keep the commandments which have been given for the salvation of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
If salvation had been, in ancient times, as plenty in Egypt as in the land of Canaan, would there have been any need of leading Israel out of bondage? If God be served as well in Babylon as in Jerusalem, why was the Temple of Solomon reared in the latter city? We throw out these hints to awaken the saints abroad to their duty. Trouble, vexation, yea, a day of anguish and wrath, is at the doors of this generation; and instead of better times, look out for worse: yea, prepare for that day when he that will not take up the sword and fight his neighbor, must, of necessity, flee to Zion for safety.
The words of the Savior to the Jews must be applied to the Gentiles: "O Jerusalem., Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold your house is left unto you desolate."
The commotion and discontent among the people of the various nations of the earth, is general: Go to the old Celestial Empire of China; or pass among the Turks and Tartars: speed your enquiry [inquiry] throughout the widespread regions of Russia; hie [hike?] your way through Prussia and Germany; pass all over Europe, Africa, and the wilds of America; and diligently search the United Sates, and every body, if the truth could be had, is discontented and wants better times. The people have been rid so long that they are tired. But who is able to say to the discordant elements,-peace: be still? No one but Jesus.
It is a mistaken notion that man can govern man in the world. Man cannot govern man but by revelation and the spirit of God.
We have before us several attempts to unionise [unionize] mankind; while Satan reigns it cannot be done, unless the Lord says the word and takes the helm. Mormonism is the great levelling [leveling] machine: Mormonism is the great cement for union: that will hold good when the epitaph of worldly greatness has been written in the ashes of the old world.
Our object in saying so much, is intended as an introduction to the following:-
From the Harbinger.
In these times and in our America, where all is movement, and ideas seem to rush into
deeds, we are something curious to know what is doing in Germany, or rather what is thinking there. What verdict does the Civilization of this nineteenth century, with its Pauperism, its Commercial Feudalization and its false Democracies, receive from those weariless abstractionists, as most of our German friends are?-Under what forms does the New World, of which no simple-hearted man is now without some presentiment, dawn upon them? Which of the present commands of humanity are they receiving and laying to heart?
We have long been aware that the doctrines of Universal Unity was not without zealous apostles in Germany. Good books upon various branches of social science have been published, and some of the most respectable journals have given their testimony to the weight of the facts and arguments of which the Associative school makes use. We have too abundant rumors that Communism,-the most natural of intellectual reactions,-finds numerous adherents and even occasions alarm to the authorities.
For some months we have had lying in our portfolio, more exact intelligence as to some of these matters, waiting to be presented to our readers. We presume that though thus in fact not new, it will not be without interest to them. It is extracted from that excellent journal, the "Deutsche Schnellpost," of New York.
It seems that not far from the first of last November, the king of Prussia took the lead in the formation of a "Central Society for the benefit of the lower classes," For this society and for the Berlin philanthropists generally, the correspondent of the Schnellpost has no reverence whatever. He says their benevolence is no better than hypocrisy and Protestant Jesuitism.
A meeting was held at Cologne on the 10th of November for the formation of an auxiliary society. Here the influence which presided at Berlin was subordinate, and at the first stage of the proceedings a warm discussion arose as to the name of the Society. The words "lower classes" were rejected. The Society was called the "Union for mutual aid and improvement." In its rules the tendency of Society to ascend into the next stage beyond civilization-called guaranteeism, appears in a striking manner.
For the improvement of the material condition of its members, the Union contemplates,-1. Arrangements for diminishing the effects of misfortunes by means of funds for mutual aid, hospitals, &c. 2. Arrangements to ensure food and homes to those who are temporally without labor. 3. Provisions for mediation between laborers and employers. 4. Arrangements by which the individual can attain independence, such as Saving's Banks, the purchase of land and buildings to be rented on reasonable terms to laborers, &c. 5. Arrangements for an economical and comfortable mode of life, for example, common kitchens and dining halls, the erection of spacious and wholesome dwellings, the purchase of the necessaries of life at wholesale, and distribution of them at retail at cost, especially in the winter. 6. Arrangements for supplying the products of labor immediately to those who wish for them; for example permanent halls of industry, in which manufactured articles can be exposed for sale, like provisions in the market. By this means the laborer will be protected from speculators and forestallers, and can expect a more just compensation for his exertions than is possible under the present relations of things. 7. Arrangements which will make it possible for the workman, without property, to support the competition with the power of capital, for example, funds to be loaned upon work done, establishments for the provision both of materials and tools, the union of single laborers for a common purpose, &c.
For "Culture," the Union adopts the following means. 1. Arrangements whereby the beneficent effect of intercourse between men of all classes of society, and all professions, can be produced. 2. Arrangements for direct improvement, such as trade-schools, and also higher trade-schools for instruction after the age in which trades are usually begun to be practised [practiced]; together with schools for the development of peculiar talents and for education in special trades and branches; conversations and lectures upon useful subjects, collections of books, models and tools; reading rooms, the disseminating of useful writings, &c.
The formation of this Society naturally excited great interest not only in Cologne, but throughout the whole province. Social equality, the right of all to labor, and the duty of Society to furnish it to every one, became common words. the Government interfered to prevent the prosecution of the undertaking, and what has been its ultimate fate we are not informed. At any rate we may be sure that the ideas thus planted, will sooner or later bear abundant fruit. And indeed, as we learn from a more recent number of the Schnellpost, notwithstanding the opposition of the Government the discussion of those questions which are everywhere commanding the attention of the most advanced minds, is carried on with vigor, especially in Westphalia. The men most active in it, are the educated classes. According to
the Breman Gazette, from which the account of the Schnellpost is taken, many crude and erroneous views are mingled with the truth which is at the bottom. These time will remedy. Meanwhile we know that Germany is not unconscious of the mission of the age and is not likely to be silent respecting it.
The movement of Cologne,-the only one which has a directly practical tendency, contains, as we said above, the germs of that order of society, which lies between complete Association of all interests and all classes, and the unfortunate state called Civilization. This tendency appears universally , though our eloquent declaimers upon social progress, of which they know about as much as they do of the man in the moon, never take any notice of it. Technically speaking, we call this coming order of Society, Guaranteeism. Its distinguishing feature is the application of the principle of mutual guarantee,-imperfectly developed indeed in the Cologne "union," to the various relations of life and business. It makes of society a grand fraternity for universal mutual insurance, and in this way produces union, peace, recurity [security], and real benevolence, instead of the discord, strife, uncertainty and selfishness, which are the soul and very heart's blood of civilization. We consider all steps towards such a state of things wherever taken, as advances towards the sublime and happy destiny of the race, and accordingly shall take every occasion to advocate them to the best of our ability. Such institutions as the Brook Farm Phalanx, and the other associations formed in this country are, be it understood, at present only attempts at Guaranteeism. But this is only a transition. It is the territory through which, for want of means, we are compelled to pass.
City of Joseph, Sunday Morning, }
10 o'clock, June 15,1845. }
This morning, the earth has been refreshed by a gentle thunder shower, followed by a cool and refreshing breeze. For a short time the sun was obscured by the remnant of the thunder cloud, which shortly subsided, and the King of day broke out with all his native glory and splendor, thus smiling upon the congregated saints as they sat with anxious expectation to hear from the ministers of salvation.
Present of the Twelve, President Young, Orson Hyde, Orson Pratt, Amasa Lyman, William Smith; also Bishop Miller, Father Cutler and Father Cahoon; also Judge Phelps. The meeting was called to order by Orson Hyde, and the choir sung "Come you that love the Savior, a name," &c.-prayer by Judge Phelps, after which the choir sung "The morning breaks, the shadows flee, lo, Zion's standard is unfurled," &c.
It has fallen to my lot, brethren and sisters, to occupy a short time this morning, although I do not feel competent to the task of making this congregation hear me, in consequence of the wind. I shall do the best I can, and speak as loud as I can, and endure to the end. I hope there may be perfect order in the congregation, especially so, on the outskirts; let there be no talking, nor whispering, nor moving about, that I may have the attention of the congregation, and by the help of God, advance some things for your benefit and consolation: things that shall strengthen and encourage you while you are passing through this vale of tears, to a country, lying far beyond the reach of the enemy, and the arm of the oppressor.
We well know, brethren and sisters, that the religion we profess, has the same effect upon the religion of the day as did the religion of the scribes and Pharisees; for he boldly proclaimed that the axe was laid at the root of the tree, and every tree, that bringeth not forth good fruit, should be hewn down and cast into the fire.
The religion then, that we have embraced having sprung from the same root, possesses the same power and qualities. We have, therefore, the boldness to say, that it lays the axe to the root of every tree, and every tree, that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be hewn down: it lays the axe at the root of every thing in the shape or form of religion, and prostrates the most gigantic as well as the lesser; it leaves them all prostrate together without an exception; and this is what it was designed to do, and what it has to accomplish; it has to bring down that that is exalted, and exalt that that is low; it has to make crooked places straight, and rough places smooth.
While this contest is going on, it is natural to suppose, that our opposers will take every possible advantage; they will not leave one stone unturned; they consider their own cause a desperate one; they will consequently use every exertion contrary to that which is truth; for truth, and truth alone, cannot maintain them; for they have no resource to such material; for it will not sustain them and lies must do it. The prophet had his eye upon this, when he said they have made lies their refuge. He foresaw the course they would take, and
the means they would employ, to sustain themselves. He saw they would enter into a covenant with the forces of the internal ones, to sustain them in their deeds of blood and destruction. But says the prophet, notwithstanding this, your agreement with hell shall not stand, and your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and every band shall be broken, and every cord shall be loosed, and while you are preparing these things to hedge up the way of the saints, He that sitteth in the heavens, and works the wires behind the curtain, shall laugh; and He that is invisible, shall have them in derision, whose movements are to ensnare, and seek to overthrow the people of God.
So long then as the saints have to maintain the law of the Most High God, and make it honorable, there is no power that can successfully oppose. There is no power that can bring us down, if we are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets; for if we are magnifying the law, and making it honorable, as soon might they dethrone Jehovah, as to prostrate the saints, or blast our peace, or drive us from the course we have started in.
As God has given as a commandment to rear a temple to the honor of his name, this ought to be the leading subject before the people.-In it we ought to engross our attention; for upon a faithful observance of that command, is suspended great blessings. If we relax our exertions to complete that work, what claim have we to the blessings that are promised to be given within the walls of that structure? It is there we shall receive qualifications to stand in the presence of Jehovah.
I would have you remember, dear brethren and sisters, that we are at the present time-what shall I say? what name shall we receive at this time? We read in the revelations of John, that "they sung in heaven, thou are worthy; thou has redeemed us to God by thy blood, out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, and has made us unto our God, kings and priests, and we shall reign on the earth."
We are kings and priests, then, to reign on the earth; but we are not qualified yet to bear rule upon the earth, until the principle of power has been imparted unto us. Certain exalted principles, by which we can receive all that God is pleased to bestow; by which we can receive every principle of power; (and knowledge is power;) and when we have received of this knowledge, we are then prepared to bear rule and to be kings and priests to the Most High God.
I have reflected and considered how, and in what way Jehovah is to clear the way among the nations for the establishments of his kingdom. God has declared that his kingdom shall come, and his will shall be done on earth as it is done in heaven: do we suppose that in heaven there are different laws and different regulations, as the kingdoms of this world are?
Here is the United States; there are in the Old World, England, France, Spain, Portugal and in fact all the governments that are upon the face of the earth; are different in their forms of government one from another; there is no grade of similitude between them. But we are told that the kingdom of God shall come, and his will be done on earth, as it is done in heaven; and old Daniel has predicted that the kingdom of God would break in pieces and subdue all the kingdoms of this world; and they shall become as the chaff of the summer threshing floor. Well, now then we soe [see] the Bible points out a time when not only the religions of the earth, but when kingly governments also should be destroyed.
Is not the Bible one of the most treasonable books ever introduced among mortals? it lays the axe at the root of every earthly government. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, at one sweep are laid prostrate in the dust, and by the grand design of heaven. What a treasonable character is Jehovah? why set out and wage war against the great God for such kind of language in his book.
You say your kingdom shall break in pieces, and subdue all other kingdoms; these things are very treasonable, and I think his people are very much inclined to be something like him. It is natural, you know, for the son to be like the father, and that the spirit of the eternal God, should enter the bosom of his servants and dwell there. But if the spirit should enter into the heart of such a man as Old Tom Sharp of Warsaw, it would flee therefrom as from the midst of the fire. Why: because it is the wrong place for it; but the spirit of God will enter into the hearts of his servants, and inspire them with the same principles of truth, and prompt them to accomplish what is the mind of their heavenly father.
Is God going to make use of his servants to carry into execution his purposes and designs? will God take his servants and break in pieces all these kingdoms that Daniel saw, and by their hands establish his own? Here is a matter that arouses the jealousies of this generation. Yea, it arouses the jealousy of all men.
I had a dream. I dreamt I saw a small barque on the bosom of the mighty deep; it was sometimes upon the wave, and sometimes the
waves would dash over it, that I could not see it; by and by, on the swell of a billow it would heave in view again, and again, in the midst of the conflicting elements seem to be buried in the mighty ocean. Thus it made its way on the bosom of the waters; so I consider that nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, until they are destroyed with war, and the attending calamities; for God has designed the overthrow of the wicked, and he has designed they should accomplish it themselves. But in the midst of the wreck of nations and the downfall of kingdoms,-the kingdom of God will go through among the kingdoms of the world, just like that little craft upon the bosom of the deep, and not be beaten into pieces. This little kingdom cannot be broken; it cannot be given to other people; but it will ride in safety in the midst of the angry elements.
Thus God makes use of the nations of the earth, to break one another to pieces, and destroy each other. Here are the saints of the Most High collected together, and looking on the scene; at the same time their prayers are ascending to their heavenly Father, that he will make bare his arm and overrule the events of the nations; and thus continue to add to the increase of his kingdom. They will destroy themselves and every drop of blood shed by our enemies, you may depend upon it, only provokes the almighty to trouble the nations and to stir up, and increase the power of his servants. It is only pricking the veins of our enemies, and making their blood run to no purpose.
Is it not the case, that since the death of our brethren our cause has advanced, and become stronger? Yes, it has. Was it because these men were not a benefit to us while they lived? By no means. But their death has proved to us greater power, strength and force, than their lives could have done. Thus, you see all things shall work together for good to them that fear God, and are called according to his purpose.
These men have laid the foundation of this kingdom, and it is not for me to say, that they will not bring forth the capstone.
I have been reading a very curious scripture, contained in the revelations of John: it reads as follows:-
"And be [he] that overcometh and keepeth my words unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessel of a potter shall they be broken to shivers, even as I received of my father."
Well, now ther [there], this scripture is not confined to a single individual; neither was it confined to the Savior of the world; for more have overcome beside him. Another scripture says.-"And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."-(Revelations chap. xii. verse 11.)
Well, to him that overcometh, it mattereth not who it is; they were individuals, such as Joseph and Hyrum Smith; who, while in this life, purposed to be counted worthy of these honors, by building up the kingdom of God, and establishing universal righteousness. But they went to work, and slew these men of God; they designed to blot out that power from under the heavens, and stay the further progress of light and truth; but this circumstance has given a fresh start to the power of truth, and has spread more light in advance, already abroad on the earth; and so Joseph Smith, who has gone to the courts on high, may yet have dominion, not only over the United States, but over all the nations of the earth. Has he not overcome by his own blood? has he not fought the good fight of faith, even to the laying down of his life? has he not overcome, and kept the works of God unto the end? Well, to him that overcometh, and keepeth my works to the end, will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron. As the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers. By his death has he become the ruler over the nations of the earth, and he will break them to pieces, as the vessels of a potter; and he will so order the events to bring it about.-Ah! but says one, I had no idea of any man having any such power as this. There are a great many truths that the Gentile world know not; for eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man the things that God hath prepared for them that love him.
The blood of these men has not yet been avenged. Had the murderers suffered, according to the law of the land, it would have been the first instance in the history of the world, that the nations of the earth have avenged the blood of God's anointed. I know of no such an instance, where the murderers of the prophets were killed to atone for their blood, and thus pay the debt.
And where is there an instance of the martyrdom of God's servants, that God has not avenged the crime upon the whole nation? Depend upon it, that these prophets whom God raised up, and who are killed by the people, he has taken unto himself, and has given the destinies of that nation into the hands of that prophet, who has been slain by them. This is
what God has done, in times and seasons gone by. Inasmuch as they have slain the prophets of the Lord, the very destiny of this nation is given into their hands. Carthage jail presents a scene of blood, and that blood has not been avenged; and when the time can come, and when it can be ordered in wisdom in the heavenly council, the scourge shall come. And when you see these things come to pass, then rejoice and be exceeding glad. We will rejoice, because our redemption draweth near.-We will look on the scene with joy, while the wicked fear and tremble. All these things are working for our good, while our enemies are saying, we have made lies our refuge, and we will kill the prophets, for the people are fond of this deed, and we will say to the people sware [swear] so and so, and if it goes to the governor's ears, we will persuade him, and secure you. AH! but He that sitteth in the heavens, is manufacturing something for you all this time. And these men that have been martyred by you they have a voice in the heavenly council to say how, and what things shall be done; for he that overcometh, to him will I give power over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron. As the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers.
What have the saints of God to do? have they to stand still? No; we have not to stand still? We have to build the house of the Lord, and do all things enjoined upon us by his commandments, and when we have done all things here on the earth, we will stand still, and see the salvation of God. And when he that sitteth in yonder council shall send forth the proclamation to reap down the wicked, and the destroying angels shall commence the work of destruction, it will be done in a way that just leaves a door sufficiently wide for our escape, while the ungodly are left to fight and kill one another. Thus, the wicked are the instruments of their own overthrow. God also uses them sometimes as a scourge for his people. And when he has used it sufficiently, he will take that scourge and burn it up. But he will use it until he has brought his people to their proper bearing; after which he has no more use for his scourge.
Hear then! all people, in one sense are doing the will of God; and you know it is declared by a legal gentleman out here, (and they never tell a lie; what a lawyer has said must be lawful, it cannot be treason for saying what a lawyer said,) and that is: "The voice of the people is, the voice of God."
Is that a true doctrine? If it is not a lawyer said so. Well, let us examine and see whether the voice of the people is the voice of God.
Don't you know the people once said let his blood be on us and on our children." It was a righteous deed, the putting of the Savior to death. It was the voice of the people he should suffer. Was it the voice of God that his blood should be required of that people, and be upon their heads, according to their voice? Let his blood be upon us and our children! The innoceut [innocent] blood that stained their hands, rendered them worthy to be cursed almost to the latest generation. It was the will of God his blood should be upon them. It was not the voice of a few individuals: it was the voice of all; the whole nation sanctioned the deed. Very well, says God, let it come; you are all guilty; let his blood be upon you and on your children.-Had they taken a few individuals and executed them for killing the Savior, they would not have made the plaster as big as the sore. It was upon the whole nation; and they were inspired by the spirit of God to say "his blood be upon us and on our children." Amen, says Jehovah, you are all alike worthy.
Here is a sample of what follows; for if they have killed the master of the house, they will do the same to his household; and if they have treated him thus, the nation will follow a similar course. We see the same spirit manifested in the late trial at Carthage. Says one of the lawyers, whether they are guilty or innocent, I am not prepared to say; but if they are guilty we are guilty, and if you hang them, you may as well hang this honorable council. Jehovah says so too. We all want a hand in this matter, and if one is punished we will all be punished; and if you let one go free, we will all go free. Well, says Jehovah, I will give you the desire of your heart. let not these men be punished, but let them go clear, and when he causeth his vengeance to be poured out, he will visit them all alike, for they are all alike guilty: Amen, says Jehovah, I will fulfil [fulfill] and execute the judgment.
Here stands the matter. Thus you see, all things work together for good to them that love God, and are called according to his purpose.
These creatures are afraid they will be assassinated: fear always steps in after a guilty conscience, but it would be no gratification to me to go and kill this man or that man, or of only singling out one or two; I feel as I do with my plants in spring. When they are dry I put on some water; but it is a slow business, and the water is either too cold or too hot; and all the water I put on, don't seem to do them much good, any how. I then begin to want water from the heavens; water that is tempered right and will water them all at once: so I might go, and try to kill this man or that man, but the
water might be too hot or too cold, or something of that sort, by which means I might not be able to do the business right. We will just wait a little, and let God water them all at once; it will be rightly tempered too when it comes, and when it falls upon them it will do execution.
To kill them would be a mercy too great at the hands of this people; for to stand in dread of any thing is worse than to plunge into it.-If we can only keep them alive, it will be to them a greater burden than to kill them, for they are dreading hell all the time; and to cut the thread and let them drop in, they would not have the pleasure of that torment. Then let them live. What for? to harass them? No; God knows they have something to harass them worse than we can do it; their conscience is as a black locust tree in the stomach, and wherever they go they are oppressed with it. They are in perpetual misery. Murder and garments rolled in blood are continually before their eyes. If I were they, I would want to kill myself. O then, don't kill them! let them live! for they carry about them their own torments; and they feel so good.
So matters roll round. This people have more joy and satisfaction in one hour, than they will ever have. By and by they will straiten up and say we will go to Texas or Oregon: well, you may 'go,' but you cannot get rid of that black locust tree you have in your stomachs. If you were there, you would be afraid of being killed. The black locust would still grow, and you cannot root it up, for it is on its own natural soil; and the more you try to root it up the more it will grow. If you take the wings of the morning, and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, the black locust is there; if you make your bed in hell, it won't burn off the thorns, for they are wrapt [wrapped] up inside, and the fire cannot reach them. (At this time President Young, feeling a disposition to allevlate [alleviate] their sufferings a little, wished the black locust to be extracted, and a honey locust put in its stead.) To which Elder Hyde said, I stand corrected; it is the honey locust; there is a little sweet with it.
Well, brethren and sisters, in the midst of all our trials, where is the people whose sources for joy and gladness are greater than ours? There is more joy, union, and love, among this people after they have been beaten, afflicted, and trampled upon, than can be found in all the world.
When we get into the celestial kingdom, and shall shake hands with each other, where there are no tears, no cares, no sorrows, but all joy and gladness; how great then will be our joy? We see a faint similitude of what will be our joy, when we hear two old soldiers of the Revolution tell over their sufferings in the war. One says I was in a battle here; the other I was in a battle there. I fought so and so, and my right hand man was cut down, and I was wounded; and says the other, I was wounded too. Thus they will tell over their sorrows and pains, while the tears of joy and gladness trickle down their care-worn and furrowed cheeks. How great the joy they have with one another while relating over their sorrows, as they sit under the bright banner of liberty they bled to unfur [unfurl]!!
So will we rejoice with each other in yonder world, as we tell over to each other the sufferings, perils, and deaths we have suffered while sitting under a brighter, and far more glorious banner. We have every thing to encourage and inspire us with joy and gladness.
From the Millennial Star.
The 7th of June found me once more in the great metropolis, after an absence of nearly five years; and, while walking through the city, my mind was filled with meditations upon subjects, to me of much interest: it was carried back to the year 1840, when in company with my much esteemed and worthy brethren, Heber C. Kimball, and George A. Smith, we first introduced the fulness [fullness] of the gospel into the city of London, and walked the streets of that city faithfully for nearly thirty days before we could find a man that appeared to feel interested in the message that they had to present to this generation, or that felt disposed to welcome us beneath their roof, unless in return they were well rewarded with gold and silver: but through the goodness of God, after spending about six months of hard labor, we were enabled to establish a small branch of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the great metropolis of the world, which we left in charge of Elder Lorenzo Snow.
Not only had five years absence effected a great change upon the face of the city, but in like manner the prospects of the church had undergone a change too; for I was now walking in company with Elder E. H. Davis, who is presiding over a branch of the church there, numbering three hundred members, as well as a number of neighboring branches.
I had also the pleasing reflection of knowing that I had, upon this 7th day of June, A. D. 1845, the pleasure of securing unto the church
the copyright of the Book of Doctrine and Covenants of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, brought forth by the mouth of the prophet, seer, and revelator, Joseph Smith, president of the church, which book is one of the most important records ever presented to this or any other generation, and is now for sale at our office in Liverpool, and our agents throughout the United Kingdom, to the church and all who wish to purchase, of every sect and party under heaven. Let our enemies cease to accuse us of wishing to keep this work secret. We say unto all come and buy, and read for yourselves, digest it, learn wisdom and practice holiness. I entered the work at Stationer's Hall, London, and secured a certificate of the entry of the copyright, which secures unto us the right of printing it throughout the British dominions, notwithstanding the plots laid by some of our enemies in secret chambers in the city of Pittsburgh, to rob the church of the copyright of that book by entering it before me. I spent twenty very pleasant days in London, during which time I met three Sabbaths with the saints, and attended several other meetings, such as prayer, church, and council meetings, and one tea meeting, where about two hundred saints feasted and rejoiced together. I think the church was never in a better or more prosperous situation than at the present time, in that city. There were some few individuals that appeared a little uneasy when I first went there, one of which, being unwilling to walk according to counsel, was cut off from the church during my stay. He appeared, rather than submit to the rules and regulations of the church, to have a desire to work upon his own hook, the others, nearly all, apparently saw their error, and were united with the church when I left.
The last week I was there the city was placarded, and on Sunday evening we had a large assembly, including many strangers. I treated on the origin, rise, and progress of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the life and death of the prophets. The congregation listened with most profound attention, and a good impression seemed to be made.
Elder Davis, the president of the London branch and conference, is a wise, judicious man, and I feel thankful that the saints, and that the work will ever prosper in London under his superintendance [superintendence]. I found but few of the saints in London with whom I was formally acquainted, as most of the first had emigrated. Elder Cooper, one of the first baptised [baptized] in that branch, I found still firm the faith, as also his wife and aged mother. They all seemed to thank God with all their hearts that they had ever heard the sound of the gospel.
I formed many new and highly interesting acquaintances with the saints in London, was much edified with their testimony, and blessed while with them. Brother Crump was ordained to the office of an Elder, and I think he will make a useful man in the vineyard of the Lord, and council of his brethren in days to come.-Duty called me from London, yet I parted with the saints with regret that I was obliged to leave them so soon. I also held one meeting with the branch of the church at Woolwich, which which had increased much in number since we left it in 1840.
On the 27th of June, I kept a day of prayer and fasting in the town of Birmingham, with a flourishing branch of the church of nearly four hundred members, under the guidance and teaching of father Robert Crook. I had an interesting meeting with the saints on that evening, and while hearing the testimony from various individuals, one truth was strongly impressed upon my mind, which was, that notwithstanding one year had passed away since the prophets were martyred at Carthage, yet the work which they had established, and sealed with their own blood, was alive in the hearts of tens of thousands, and bringing forth fruit to the honor and glory of God. I attended a council meeting with the officers of the church in Birmingham, and was happy to find that perfect union prevailed among them. I spent an interesting day with them on Sunday, the 29th of June. They held their meeting in a commodious room which they have rented for a year in High Street. I preached in the morning and afternoon, communed with about four hundred saints, confirmed five, blessed several children, and administered to several that were sick: the remainder of the afternoon was occupied by the brethren and sisters in bearing their testimony of the work of God, and truly it was an interesting time. In the evening, the house was crowded to excess, and many could not find admission. A large number of strangers were present who had not before attended our meetings. Although I addressed them somewhat lengthy, good order prevailed and the best of attention was given, and I have no doubt but that many will yet be added to the church in Birmingham. The prospect for the spread of the work in that place was never better than at the present time, and I have the satisfaction of saying, that during my stay there, I saw no spirit manifest with any member of that branch of {{page break|1006
the church, but perfect union. Elder Crook is much blessed in his labors, and is striving to build up the kingdom of God; he has the hearts and affections of the saints.
I also attended a tea meeting on the Monday following, where about three hundred saints, with some strangers, joined together in partaking of some of the bounties of the earth with glad hearts and cheerful countenances, after which I addressed them about an hour on the subject of the gathering, building up of Zion, the bringing of our tithes and offerings into the storehouse of the Lord, that we build unto him a house, according to his commandments I was followed by father Crook, on the first principles of the gospel, all of which were received by the saints.
On Sunday the 6th July, I was blessed with the privilege of once more meeting with my old friends, and many new ones, in the Staffordshire conference, in the town of Burslem. Elder Hiram Clark, who has had the charge of that conference for some months, was present. We had an interesting meeting through the day and evening. The room was much crowded. This was my first field of labor, on visiting England in January, 1840. I was much edified in hearing the testimony of the saints in the afternoon, after the sacrament. Some few individuals confessed they had been out of the way in some things, in that conference, but repented; wished to be forgiven, and felt a determination to be faithful hereafter, and maintain the work of he Lord. My visit was short, yet interesting with my friends in that place.
On the 7th I was in Manchester, saw a few of the saints, and was informed that all was peace and prosperity with them there. The 8th found me again with my family and friends in Liverpool after one month's absence.
DEAR BRETHREN AND SISTERS:-Ever feeling a desire for your welfare, both temporal and spiritual, we are happy to communicate to you from time to time whatever knowledge or principle we may possess that may tend to be your protection from imposition and frauds, promote the interests of the kingdom, and influence every man in authority to abide in his own sphere and calling, and thus secure peace and good ordor [order] throughout the church of the living God.
Let it then be distinctly understood by all the saints in the eastern lands, and everywhere else, that no man is authorised [authorized] to receive or collect tithing unless he be especially sent by the Quorum of the Twelve for the purpose, and empowered by letters and documents signed by the president and secretary of that body. It matters not who the persons may be that ask for tithing, whether elders, high priests or apostles. If they have not the above letters to show that they have been legally sent, you are not required to pay a farthing to them; neither will the church be responsible for one dollar paid to any man, though he may be one of the Twelve; if he have not the above letters, signed as above described, and dated at the time he last left head quarters. Neither is any branch of the church, or any individual member thereof, under any obligation to support, by donation or contribution, any man who may come among them to labor, that is not directly sent in the above described manner. If these instructions are strictly and punctually observed, it will compel every man to abide in his own sphere and calling. And as the Messenger is, at present, the mouth-piece of the authorities of the church in the East, let those who are sent East on missions present their letters to the Presidency in the East, and have their respective missions announced through that paper, and whatever tithing or support may be given by the saints to any other, they need not expect any reward for, or claim any consideration on account of, except in matters of common charity and benevolence with the stranger. Should the Presidency in the East need agents to assist him in temporal matters, he can announce that also through the Messenger. This is according to the best wisdom we possess; but if our brethren in the West see any error in this counsel that we have given, they will please make the correction through the Neighbor, and that correction shall be copied into the Messenger, but if they shall and it correct, we hope they will endorse it through the same organ.
This is not designed to prevent any branch from forwarding their tithing by letter, or by any confidential man of their acquaintance to the Paesidency [Presidency] in New York.
[N. Y. Messenger. ORSON PRATT.
The Times and Season, Is Printed and Published about the first and fifteenth of every month, on the corner of Water and Bain Streets, Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois, by JOHN TAYLOR, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR.
TERMS.-TWO DOLLARS per annum, payable in all cases in advance. Any person procuring five new subscribers, and forwarding us Ten Dollars current money, shall receive one volume gratis. All letters must be addressed to John Taylor, editor, POST PAID, or they will not receive attention.
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