If you are a college student, or if you are a senior in high school, you can earn a $200 scholarship through FairMormon. Here is what you have to do.
Make a short video (ideally less than 3 minutes, but no more than 5 minutes) about one of our chosen topics, upload it to YouTube, and send us the link. We will choose 10 scholarship recipients (more if we get donations to underwrite this).
The final due date for all videos will be June 1, 2017 at midnight Mountain Daylight Time.
We will be asking the following questions while judging the video:
- Does the video clearly make its point? Is it easy to understand?
- Is the video quality and content such that we could share it on Facebook or on our website and feel good about it?
- Does the video fit within the time constraints? We prefer 3 minutes or less, but if it is warranted by the subject matter, the video can take up to 5 minutes. Over 5 minutes will be automatically rejected. If it goes over 3 minutes, be aware that the video will fall under extra scrutiny of whether the extra length was really necessary.
- Does the video defend the Church or promote an evidence of the truth?
- Does the video identify the source of the content? This could be stated in the video, or listed in the title or the credits.
- After I have watched the video, do I feel better about my testimony?
- Extra points may be awarded for creativity.
Where should you get the content of your video?
Choose any of the following:
- Any article from FairMormon Evidences.
- Any article from FairMormon Answers.
- Any of the past FairMormon Conference presentations.
- Any article from Book of Mormon Central.
- Any article from the Interpreter Foundation.
- Any article from BYU Studies that falls within our mission.
- Any article from the Neal A. Maxwell Institute that falls within our mission.
- Any of the Gospel Topics Essays from LDS.org.
When the choices say “falls within our mission,” see #4 of the evaluation questions above. They may have additional content that doesn’t fall within our mission.
There are a lot of choices for the source of your content because we wanted to give you lots of options.
By submitting your video to us, whether or not you win the scholarship, you give us use rights to the video. That means we can post and share your video. Who knows, if your video goes viral, you may become an internet star.
To submit your video, upload it to YouTube and complete the following form.
Comments or questions are welcome.