This list of existing resources was compiled to provide a more complete and accurate context for the misinformation in a paper recently published in German by Francois Radzik called “13 Theses: The deception of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons.” Readers who are familiar with correct information already published by the Church, as well as with common tactics of misinformation, will discern the distortions in this paper. As with most attacks on the Church today, the only thing new is the packaging.
Helpful Sources of Information
by Keith Erekson
1) Knowledge of God Revealed Line Upon Line
- Lecture on Theology (“Lectures on Faith”) (Church History Topics)
- King Follett Discourse (Church History Topics)
- Becoming Like God (Gospel Topic Essays)
- Change is okay (see 2 Nephi 28:30; 29:9; Doctrine and Covenants 61:20; Article of Faith 9)
2) Authority and Governance
- Restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood (Church History Topics)
- Restoration of the Melchizedek Priesthood (Church History Topics)
- Succession of Church Leadership (Church History Topics)
- Saints, Volume 3: Boldly, Nobly, and Independent (Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2022), 181-184 (chapter 12). [Describes Brigham Young’s teachings]
3) Visions of Jesus Christ and Other Messengers
- First Vision Accounts (Gospel Topics Essays)
- Joseph Smith, Journal, April 3, 1836 [Jesus, Moses, Elias, and Elijah in the Kirtland Temple]
- Alexander L. Baugh, “Parting the Veil: The Visions of Joseph Smith,” BYU Studies 38, no. 1 (1999): 23–69.
4) Joseph Smith’s Early History
- See Joseph Smith-History 1:55-56
- Treasure Seeking (Church History Topics)
- Seer Stones (Church History Topics)
- First Vision Accounts (Gospel Topics Essays)
- Joseph Smith, History, 1832 [earliest written account of the First Vision]
- Book of Mormon Translation (Gospel Topics Essays)
- Angel Moroni (Church History Topics)
5) Plural Marriage
- Plural Marriage in Kirtland and Nauvoo (Gospel Topics Essay)
- Fanny Alger (Church History Topics)
- “Mercy Thompson and the Revelation on Marriage,” in Revelations in Context
6) Change over Time
- Quorum of the Twelve (Church History Topics)
- Race and Priesthood (Gospel Topics Essays)
- The Manifesto and the End of Plural Marriage (Gospel Topics Essays)
- Change is okay (see 2 Nephi 28:30; 29:9; Doctrine and Covenants 61:20; Article of Faith 9)
7) Zion
- Zion/New Jerusalem (Church History Topics)
- Book of Mormon and DNA Studies (Gospel Topics Essays)
8) Church History in Missouri
- Zion/New Jerusalem (Church History Topics)
- Jackson County Violence (Church History Topics)
- Kirtland Safety Society (Church History Topics)
- Danites (Church History Topics)
- Mormon-Missouri War of 1838 (Church History Topics)
- Extermination Order (Church History Topics)
- Liberty Jail (Church History Topics)
- Prophecies of Joseph Smith (Church History Topics)
9) Early Temples and Ordinances
- Kirtland Temple (Church History Topics)
- Nauvoo Temple (Church History Topics)
- Temple Endowment (Church History Topics)
- Masonry (Church History Topics)
- Adjustments to Temple Work (Church History Topics)
- Temple Building (Church History Topics)
10) Departure from Nauvoo
- Nauvoo (Commerce), Illinois (Church History Topics)
- Masonry (Church History Topics)
- Council of Fifty (Church History Topics)
- Missouri Extradition Attempts (Church History Topics)
- Succession of Church Leadership (Church History Topics)
- Pioneer Trek (Church History Topics)
11) Brigham Young
- Brigham Young (Church History Topics)
- Deaths of Joseph and Hyrum Smith (Church History Topics)
- Utah (Church History Topics)
- Danites (Church History Topics)
- Mountain Meadows Massacre (Church History Topics)
- Peace and Violence among 19th Century Latter-day Saints (Gospel Topics Essays)
12) Seeking and Learning
- Seeking Answers to Questions (Topics and Questions)
- Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Come, Join with Us,” General Conference, October 2013
- Russell M. Nelson, “Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains,” General Conference, April 2021
- “Seeking Information from Reliable Sources,” General Handbook: Serving in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 38.8.41
- Dallin H. Oaks, “Criticism,” Ensign, February 1987
13) Tithing
- Tithing (Church History Topics)
- Church Finances (Church History Topics)
Common Tactics in Antagonistic Materials
- Offer new freedom and advanced thinking
- Share selected facts that are taken out of their wider contexts
- Present errors as if they are correct, often blurring facts and errors together
- Allege secret conspiracies and dark motives
See also “How Can We Find Truth in a Sea of Information?” (Liahona, April 2023)
Keith Erekson is an author, teacher, and public historian who has published on topics including politics, hoaxes, Abraham Lincoln, Elvis Presley, and Church history. He grew up in Baltimore, served a mission in Brazil, and earned advanced degrees in history and business. He works for the Church History Department in efforts to encourage outreach and historical engagement. His 2021 FAIR Conference presentation, “Real Vs. Rumor,” can be seen here.
Thank you very much for this interesting information. It helps me to understand better the things I already know.