What does it mean to belong to “His Church”? For many, the concept of belonging to an organized religion feels restrictive or even antiquated. Yet, Elder Dale G. Renlund’s talk, This is My Gospel – This is My Church sheds light on why The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is essential to God’s plan—not just as an institution but as a transformative, power-filled support for individuals. By exploring how the gospel and the Church work in harmony, Elder Renlund offers insights that can help address both common critiques and lingering questions about the Church’s role in the lives of its members. Why does the Church matter, and how does it enable spiritual growth? [Read more…] about The Power of Gospel and Church Together: Understanding God’s Design for Our Transformation
Trusting God’s Boundaries: Faithfully Navigating Modern Challenges
Can faith and trust in God’s guidance coexist with personal doubts?
Elder David P. Homer’s recent General Conference address, “Trusting Our Father,” explores a fundamental question: How can we fully trust God’s will, even when it challenges our own understanding? Drawing on historical and scriptural examples, Elder Homer emphasizes that God’s boundaries are eternal and defined by His love for us. As we seek to understand these divine truths, this talk offers valuable insights for those facing doubts or challenges to their faith. [Read more…] about Trusting God’s Boundaries: Faithfully Navigating Modern Challenges
Asking Big Questions: How Can I Gain a Testimony of Temple Ordinances?
by Michelle Pack
The “Asking Big Questions” series is made in cooperation with the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project.
Wilford and Phebe Woodruff’s first child, Sarah Emma, was born on July 14, 1838. Just over a year later, Wilford left his family to serve a mission in England. In his journal on July 14, 1840, he wrote, “Sarah Emma is two years old this day. May the Lord preserve my wife and children from sickness and death until my return. O Lord, I commit them into thy hands. Feed, clothe, and comfort them, and thine shall be the glory.” Wilford had a strong testimony of the power of covenants to unite his family for eternity. In a letter to Phebe on July 16, 1840, he said:
Aufgewärmte Fragen, bereitstehende Antworten: Sich mit Radzik und seinen 13 Thesen auseinandersetzen
Diese Liste von verfügbaren Ressourcen wurde erstellt, um die Fehlinformationen in der kürzlich veröffentlichten Abhandlung von Francois Radzik mit dem Titel „13 Thesen: Die Irreführung durch die Kirche Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage, die Mormonen“ besser einordnen und klarstellen zu können. Leser, die mit den von der Kirche bereits veröffentlichten korrekten Informationen sowie mit den üblichen Taktiken der Fehlinformation vertraut sind, werden die Verzerrungen in dieser Abhandlung erkennen. Wie bei den meisten Angriffen auf die Kirche heutzutage ist das einzig Neue die Verpackung.
Nützliche Informationsquellen
von Keith Erekson
1) Wissen über Gott wird Zeile um Zeile offenbart
- Vorträge über Theologie („Vorlesungen über den Glauben“) (Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Geschichte der Kirche)
- King-Follett-Rede (Themen im Zusammenhang mit der Geschichte der Kirche)
- Wie Gott werden (Abhandlungen zu Evangeliumsthemen)
- Veränderung ist in Ordnung (siehe 2 Nephi 28:30; 29:9; Lehre und Bündnisse 61:20; 9. Glaubensartikel)
Rehashed Questions, Ready Answers: Addressing Radzik and His 13 Theses
This list of existing resources was compiled to provide a more complete and accurate context for the misinformation in a paper recently published in German by Francois Radzik called “13 Theses: The deception of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons.” Readers who are familiar with correct information already published by the Church, as well as with common tactics of misinformation, will discern the distortions in this paper. As with most attacks on the Church today, the only thing new is the packaging.
Helpful Sources of Information
by Keith Erekson
1) Knowledge of God Revealed Line Upon Line
- Lecture on Theology (“Lectures on Faith”) (Church History Topics)
- King Follett Discourse (Church History Topics)
- Becoming Like God (Gospel Topic Essays)
- Change is okay (see 2 Nephi 28:30; 29:9; Doctrine and Covenants 61:20; Article of Faith 9)
[Read more…] about Rehashed Questions, Ready Answers: Addressing Radzik and His 13 Theses
Consider Conference: Pillars and Rays
2024 April General Conference, Sunday Morning Session
Elder Alexander Dushku
Of the Seventy
Main Points
- We too can have our own pillar of light—one ray at a time.
- No two people experience God’s light and truth in exactly the same way.
- Most of us receive truth line upon line, not in one big revelation
Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Mosiah 18–24 – Mike Parker
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Ammon’s expedition; Limhi & Alma’s escape to Zarahemla
(Mosiah 7–8, 18–25)
by Mike Parker
(Mike Parker is a long-time FAIR member who has graciously allowed us to use materials he originally prepared for the Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class. The scripture passages covered in his lessons don’t conform exactly to the Come, Follow Me reading schedule, so they will be shared here where they fit best.)
Class Notes [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Mosiah 18–24 – Mike Parker
Consider Conference: Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys
2024 April General Conference, Sunday Afternoon Session
Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys
President Russell M. Nelson
President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Main Points [Read more…] about Consider Conference: Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys
Cornerstone: A FAIR Temple Preparation Podcast – Episode 6: Temple Sealings with Brian Hales
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On this episode, Brian Hales joins us to discuss the history and significance of the crowning ordinance of the temple.
Brian C. Hales is the author or co-author of several books dealing with Joseph Smith and plural marriage, and runs the website JosephSmithsPolygamy.org. He is also the author of several articles dealing with the origin of the Book of Mormon.
Jacob Crapo was born and now resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. He served his mission in Upstate New York and was an ordinance worker in the Las Vegas Temple. One of Jacob’s dreams is to help build a temple. He is an electrician by trade but his real passion is helping others access the powers of heaven.
Asking Big Questions: Why Do We Need a Living Prophet?
The “Asking Big Questions” series is made in cooperation with the Wilford Woodruff Papers Project.
Conflicts and differing opinions surround us in this world. All voices—good and bad—are amplified through social and mass media. Thankfully, the Lord has given us a voice that we can and should listen to above all others: the voice of living prophets.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “One of the glorious messages of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ is that God continues to speak to His children! He is not hidden in the heavens but speaks today as He did in ancient days. From the days of Adam, God has spoken to His children through appointed oracles who are charged with revealing His will and counsel to others.”