FAIR is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice, and history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Table of Contents
Category Guide
Master list of Categories:
Jesus Christ
- [[:Category:Christianity]
- Category:Christians, Mormons are
- Category:Christology
- Jesus Christ: divinity
Doctrinal change during apostasy
- Baptism for the dead
- Biblical inerrancy
- Biblical interpretation
- Covenants
- Creatio ex nihilo (creation out of nothing)
- Depravity and original sin
- Moral agency-Free agency-Free will
- On-going revelation
- Plan of Salvation
- Resurrection: doctrinal change with apostasy
- Temple
Loss of spiritual gifts
Restoration of the Gospel
Continuity with Primitive Church
- xx
- YY
Category:Interfaith issues
Anti-Mormons: sectarian
- Charges: Mormons are Arians
- Charges: Mormons are pagans
- Charges: Mormons are pantheists
- Charges: Mormons are Pelagians
- Charges: Mormons are polytheists
- Charges: Mormons are subordinationists
- Charges: Mormons deny grace
- Charges: Mormons try to earn salvation
Loss of prophets
Joseph Smith
Personality of Joseph Smith
Pace of Joseph's religious innovation
- Hard working
- Honest
Category:Joseph Smith/Visions
Brigham Young
Thomas S. Monson
Bible and the Book of Mormon
New Testament and the Book of Mormon
Old Testament and the Book of Mormon
Textual variants and the Book of Mormon
Old Testament
New Testament
Book of Mormon
- Culture of Book of Mormon
- Horticulture
- Kingship in the Book of Mormon
- Language
- Law
- Metal plates
- Names
- Oaths
- Population of Book of Mormon
- Politics
- Population of Book of Mormon
- Warfare
- Category:Weights and measures
- Worship
- Year-rite
Bible and the Book of Mormon
New Testament and the Book of Mormon
Old Testament and the Book of Mormon
Textual variants and the Book of Mormon
Book of Ether
Claimed influences or sources for Book of Mormon
Complexity and sophistication of the Book of Mormon
Doctrine in Book of Mormon
- Apostasy
- Coat of Joseph
- Covenant
- Prophecy of Joseph
- Flood of Noah
- Messiah
- Category:Book of Mormon/Doctrine/Pre-Christian Christianity
- Sacrifices
- Ten Commandments in the Book of Mormon
- Translated beings
Elements in Book of Mormon
- Apocryphal elements
- Atonement
- Beating with a rod
- Christopher Columbus
- Divine council
- Divine feminine
- Dreams
- Hagoth
- Heavenly book
- Exodus motif in the Book of Mormon
- Lehi's dream
- Prophetic call
- Rent garment
- Shining stone
- Title of Liberty
- Tree of Life
- Temple in Book of Mormon
Geography of Book of Mormon
Ocean voyages
Old World
New world
Out of place in 19th century
- Geography
- Language
- Intellectual world
- Politics
- Present day: Book of Mormon relevance
- Scriptural themes
- Warfare in 19th century versus Book of Mormon
Category:Book of Mormon/Personalities
- Charles Anthon
- Anthon transcript
- Dictation of the Book of Mormon
- Method of translating the Book of Mormon
- No notes in Book of Mormon translation
- Reformed Egyptian
- Speed of translating the Book of Mormon
- Urim and thummim
Unique nature of the Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon witnesses
Three witnesses
Eight witnesses
Other witnesses
- Elizabeth Anne Whitmer Cowdery
- Emma Smith
- Joseph Smith as witness of plates
- Lucy Mack Smith
- William Smith
Doctrine and Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Book of Abraham
Book of Moses
Articles of Faith
Mental health and well-being
- Mental illness
- Substance abuse
- Measures of happiness
Health and physical well-being
- Life expectancy
- Cancer incidence