What might we each consider as “weapons of rebellion” in our own lives? Elder D. Todd Christofferson’s talk, “Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion,” invites each of us to lay aside any resistance we feel toward God’s will. Rebellion, whether active or passive, can manifest in ways we might not immediately recognize (see Rebellion, Rebel). For those struggling with doubts, questions, or a tendency to disregard divine direction, Elder Christofferson’s words offer a path back to peace through repentance, humility, and surrender to God’s guidance. His talk draws on powerful stories from the Book of Mormon and Church history, reminding us that no one’s past is beyond God’s reach. [Read more…] about Turning Our Hearts Toward God: Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion
Jesus Christ
Choosing Joy in a Troubled World: The Power of Worship and Christ-Centered Living
In a world where “happiness” often seems fleeting, Elder Patrick Kearon’s talk “Welcome to the Church of Joy” offers a profound answer to one of life’s biggest questions: How can we find lasting joy? His talk addresses foundational gospel principles like the Plan of Salvation, agency, and the essential nature of organized worship as pathways to joy. Elder Kearon asserts that true joy flows from understanding God’s plan, reverencing Christ, and gathering as an organized church to partake of the sacrament. Let’s explore how these principles answer common questions and critiques about the Church’s teachings on worship, joy, and mental well-being. [Read more…] about Choosing Joy in a Troubled World: The Power of Worship and Christ-Centered Living
Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Mormon 1–6 – Autumn Dickson
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Irreplaceable to Him
by Autumn Dickson
When I read Mormon, I feel as though I’m reading his journal. He had been commanded by Ammaron to find the records that had been hidden and add his own observations. These sacred writings were always meant to come to us, the House of Israel in the latter days, and yet, Mormon also seemed to simply write about his own experiences and life. [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – Mormon 1–6 – Autumn Dickson
Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 27–4 Nephi – Autumn Dickson
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A Utopian Society
by Autumn Dickson
Fourth Nephi describes a people who were all converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ together. It talks about what their lives looked like and how they felt. Fourth Nephi also describes how everyone was wicked again within three hundred years. [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 27–4 Nephi – Autumn Dickson
Living as Children of the Covenant: Understanding Our Birthright and Responsibility
“Why are Latter-day Saints so different?” This is a question many young members of the Church find themselves facing. In a world that values conformity, living differently can feel daunting, even isolating.
In his talk, “O Youth of the Noble Birthright”, Brother Brad Wilcox speaks to the youth of the Church, reminding them of their noble birthright as covenant children of God. He emphasizes that this identity calls for a distinct way of life, not because they are better than others but because they have a greater purpose to fulfill. Brother Wilcox’s words don’t just offer comfort but also a deeper understanding of how living differently aligns with God’s trust in His children and how it impacts their divine mission. This talk speaks directly to questions of identity, purpose, and divine trust, making it relevant for anyone encountering questions about faith, doctrinal beliefs, or the demands of discipleship.
Common Questions, Misconceptions, and Criticisms
Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 20–26 – Autumn Dickson
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Keeping a Sacred Record
by Autumn Dickson
Christ continues His teaching and prophesying amongst this portion of the House of Israel. He teaches about the sacrament, keeping records, and the last days. He teaches them to study and appreciate the words of Isaiah. There is a lot of content here. [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 20–26 – Autumn Dickson
Holding Up the Light of Christ: Sustaining Leaders and Each Other
In a world that seems to thrive on contention and division, it’s natural to wonder: How can I hold onto light in the midst of it all? Elder Ronald A. Rasband’s talk, “Behold I Am the Light Which Ye Shall Hold Up,” invites us to do just that—find, hold, and share the light of the Savior. His message calls on us to strengthen our commitment to Jesus Christ by sustaining our leaders and lifting each other. But what does “holding up” the light really mean? And how do we fulfill this call in today’s complex world?
Elder Rasband’s talk offers a clear apostolic witness of Jesus Christ as the Light of the world and reaffirms the sacred role of prophets in guiding us through spiritual challenges. He emphasizes that sustaining leaders isn’t passive; it’s a call to action. By holding up those called to lead, we strengthen our own resolve and align ourselves with divine purposes. Elder Rasband’s counsel is especially relevant for those facing questions about the role of modern prophets, the fallibility of leaders, and how best to support others in a world often skeptical of faith. [Read more…] about Holding Up the Light of Christ: Sustaining Leaders and Each Other
Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 19–30 – Mike Parker
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Jesus Christ’s ministry among the people of Nephi, part 2
(3 Nephi 19–30)
by Mike Parker
(Mike Parker is a long-time FAIR member who has graciously allowed us to use materials he originally prepared for the Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class. The scripture passages covered in his lessons don’t conform exactly to the Come, Follow Me reading schedule, so they will be shared here where they fit best.)
Class Notes [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 19–30 – Mike Parker
Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 17–19 – Autumn Dickson
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Experiencing Christ
by Autumn Dickson
I want to highlight the timeline of events in chapter 17. [Read more…] about Come, Follow Me with FAIR – 3 Nephi 17–19 – Autumn Dickson
Consider Conference: Preparing for General Conference
2024 April General Conference, Sunday Morning Session
The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ
Elder Dale G. Renlund
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
As we approach General Conference, we are invited to move closer to the Savior and build spiritual momentum, as Elder Renlund described in his talk, “The Powerful, Virtuous Cycle of the Doctrine of Christ.” Elder Renlund shared a personal experience of a kayaking excursion in Hawaii to illustrate a key truth about spiritual progress: maintaining steady effort and momentum helps us navigate life’s challenges. Similarly, preparing for, participating in, and taking action after General Conference allows us to continue ‘rowing’ toward the Savior, no matter how many times the waves of life knock us off course – and no matter where we are in our individual faith journey. [Read more…] about Consider Conference: Preparing for General Conference